Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Andrew Allen-Loving You Tonight

hoho! this is the brand new single of Andrew Allen :D
i have no idea about who he is, where he comes from, and bla bla bla..

im trying to find the info, trust me :)

FYI, at my Facebook account, some friends of mine keep tagging me notes contained lots of brand new singles and hits, and always the latest ones xD

what a wonderful notes, right? haha!
okay, i think this link will be good enough source of this Andrew Allen :D

hmm, his pic is cool! i love him.. this single also ;)

here they are the lyrics: and they must be SWEET :) i HEART sweet lyrics xD

Lost in the day, in a way, it's same as the one before this,
And I wish I can say that's it's all black and white
But it's grey, it's the same, it's the same and I'm so tired
But you are what I'm coming home to
Oh and I'm thinking about a red wine buzz and taking it easy, and I got you in my arms, taking a break from crazy
And I'll say hey, you'll say baby, how's your day, I'll say crazy, but it's all gonna be alright
You'll kiss my smile, I'll pull you closer, spend a while just getting to know ya, but it's gonna be all alright
I'm loving you tonight
Loving you tonight
And you are there on my heart, at the start, of my every morning and I,
Can't deny, by the end of the day that I'm running on empty but
You make me full, steal my breath, you're so unpredictable
That's what I'm coming home to  

Oh I'm dreaming about a romance, slow dancing with you, when I got you in arms, I don't care what we do
Cause every day is just the in-between, the hours separating you from me 
I know you'll be waiting, I know that you'll be waiting

Monday, February 21, 2011

walah, LABIL! xD

haha! the use of 'ABEGE LABIL' term is widely spreading out these days :D

makanya, mau ikutan make istilah ini ah buat ngegambarin keadaan aku sekarang2 ini..
im still 16, anyway xD

peterpan-syndrome=TOTALLY REFUSE to grow up, and that's ME ;)

forever young, pokonya sih xD

nah, ini dia aku akhir2 ini.. LABIL~ *tsah! biar kedengeran gahul, gitulohhh :p*
in terms of im in GOOD MOOD and happy this minute, i'll not be anymore in the next 20!! for sure.. HAHAH!

ababil pisan kan?? :D
and it's not kinda thing i should be proud of =,="

hehe, but sometimes i enjoy this.. i mean, when im in a very good mood and happy, i'll be soooo cheerful and it feels like when you are in love with somebody: ALWAYS WANT TO GRIN and LAUGH..
*is it common for falling in love people in grinning and laughing too much?? -,- haha~*

and when i feel terrible, i just feel TERRIBLE :D
haha! ah, nggak penting juga ngumbar gimana perasaan aku kalo lagi feel terrible di sini :p

the point is i wanna be forever young xD
hayaaaaaaaahh, nggak ada gawe ngepos postingan macem gini.. labil banget yak? =,=

Sunday, February 20, 2011

[jika] aku seorang ateis..

wah, pastinya udah kena kutuk sana-sini kalo aku berani bilang gitu..
disambit sana-sini juga kali yak? haha~
maklum, aku kan hidup di Indonesia.. *loh?! apakah berhubungan? :p

nope, i mean, yea.. i dont know, the situation here is getting hotter and hotter if it's related to faith, belief, RELIGION matter.. OH, CRAP!! -,-

nah, itu dia.. jangankan ngomong AKU ATEIS, baru bilang 'emang agama apaan?', udah pasti di-cap ateis ma orang2 yang [katanya] mengaku beragama itu.. heheh! *siniskah?? oh, tidak bissaaaa :D

contoh kecil: di komen2 FB.. ada tuh FBnya siapa entah yang isinya ngejelekin agama tertentu dan prophet-nya, terus rame deh tuh FB isinya hujatan2 ke si empunya FB dan semua kata2 'kebon binatang' dan 'yang kurang sedep didenger kuping anak baik', KELUAR semua..

frankly, im happy in reading those comments.. LOL! xD

abisan yaaa, LUCUNYA itu yang ngeluarin itu kata2 tersebut di atas *baca: kata2 nggak pantes waktu menghujat yang punya FB* adalah yang notabene yang MEMBELA agama dan prophet-nya itu!! oh, CRAP~

apa pantes yaaaaaaaaaa?? -,-"

jelas, kalo ngomongin pantes nggak pantes, ya kata2 hujatan, makian, cercaan, kata2 kotor gitu, ya emang nggak panteslah.. katanya umat beragama, tapi kok omongannya kaya yang nggak tau tata krama?
agama itu baik kan? pastinya ngajarin bersopan santun juga..

tapi kalo udah ngomongin salah-bener, ya aku nggak berkepentingan buat nge-judge ini salah, itu bener.. atau ini bener, itu salah.. emangnya aku polisi?? haha~ :p

nope, i mean, we as human have brains, right?

nah, manusia punya otak, punya pikiran, jadi bisalah NGEBEDAIN mana yang salah mana yang bener.. mana yang pantes mana yang nggak.. NGEBEDAIN salah-bener sama NGE-JUDGE salah-bener itu BERBEZA yaa, teman2?? hoho, those are two different things!!

dan yang aku liat dan saksikan, SERINGNYA, orang2 itu melakukan pen-JUDGE-an.. apakah itu pen-JUDGE-an?? itulah dia main hakim sendiri.. *maen hakim koq sendirian? nggak rame kali yaa?*
main hakim sendiri berarti memvonis kalo sesuatu itu SALAH, atau sesuatu itu BENAR..


dan jadinya apa?? baru aja ada yang ngomong 'aku ateis', langsung digebukin rame2, nimbulin reaksi 'berlebihan' yang bikin orang2 [beragama] langsung 'gerah'.. marah, katanya.. seorang ateis itu menghina agama, katanya.. seorang ateis itu tidak mengakui adanya Tuhan, katanya..

emang sih, kata wordnetweb.princeton.edu juga atheist means someone who denies the existence of god.. ateis itu MENYANGKAL keeksistensian tuhan..

TUHAN yang mana???

terus, apa bedanya sama seorang Materialis??
apa itu materialis?? menurut cambridge advanced learners dict, materialist is someone who believes that only physical matter exists and the spiritual world does not..

para materialis nggak percaya sama sesuatu yang sifatnya nggak nyata, nggak keliatan, nggak materialized, nggak ada wujudnya..
nah!! lalu, sekarang mana yang sebenernya dibilang sebagai 'ATEIS' oleh orang2 yang [katanya] beragama??? si ATEIS atau MATERIALIS???

FYI, arti kedua dari materialis juga bisa berarti orang yang nganggep duit itu segalanya di dunia..
materialis MENUHANKAN duit, materi, possessions.. tapi mereka sendiri TIDAK PERCAYA sama sesuatu yang sifatnya nggak nyata, nggak keliatah, nggak materialized, nggak ada wujudnya..

tapi mereka MENUHANKAN duit.. AH YA!! karena duit keliatan kali yaaa? haha!
dan mereka berarti PERCAYA tuhan, walo Tuhan duit.. xD

nah, kalo udah gini, keliatan kan mana yang nggak banget? mana yang LEBIH RENDAH DERAJATNYA?
arti ateis itu orang2 PENYANGKAL Tuhan.. dan buat aku, kata 'Tuhan' bisa berarti apa saja..
uang, harta, kekayaan, ketenaran, pujian, pasangan, anak2, dan semua hal yang DIANGGAP suci, dianggap sebagai KEBUTUHAN, dianggap sebagai YANG PALING DIPUJANYA, yang TIDAK BISA hidup tanpanya, yang RELA MELAKUKAN apapun deminya.. yang DITUHANKANNYA..

Tuhan, BUATKU, nggak serta merta CUMA yang berarti Tuhan di sebuah agama.. nggak serta merta CUMA yang berarti Tuhan yang MENCIPTAKAN kita dan SEMUA ini..
karena SESUATU HAL yang BENAR2 DIPUJA, SANGAT disayangi, SANGAT DIBUTUHKAN, dalam arti yang berlebihan sehingga 'DISUCIKAN', dan RELA MELAKUKAN APAPUN demi hal tersebut, buatku BISA BERARTI itulah TUHAN..

lah, terus apa hubungannya sama orang2 [beragama] yang suka nge-judge2 dan buat keributan [physically and in written form, baca: perang komen]??

nggak ada sih.. ^^v HAHA!
cuman pengen bilang aja: membedakan dan menghakimi itu berbeda ya? bedakan mana yang salah, mana yang benar.. mana yang pantas, mana yang nggak..
tapi jangan MENGHAKIMI mana yang salah, mana yang benar.. apalagi sampe adu otot..

ah, wasting everything!! -,-

yang terakhir, apakah aku seorang ateis???

aku jawab dengan yakin: YA!!
tapi INGAT, aku BUKAN materialis..
karena aku TIDAK PERCAYA Tuhan uang, kekayaan, ketenaran..

*halah, lalieur kieu -,-"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

film hollywood ditarik dari INDONesia?! OH MY GOAT, heck NOOOOOOO!!

check this link out!

oh my god!! what the hell happened?? +.+

situsnya bilang masalah bea cukai..
pemerintah naekin lagi pajak2 edarnya pilem2 hollywood di indonesia.. padahal mah pajak2 yang udah ada tuh udah ngebebanin banget..

yaelah, rakus amat yak?! pantesan pada gembul2 tuh perutnya +.+

what i REALLY DONT LIKE is: what the heck!! we'll have indonesian movies only??? pilem pocong yang dibarengin porno2an doang?? OH, HECK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ T^T

there is no animated movies again?! there is no hollywood's comedy movies again?!
there is no Harry Potter 7 Part 2 and the newest Pirates of Caribbean???!

jangan sampe deh.. -,-

semoga kebijakan ini bisa berubah SECEPATNYA!!

for whom it may concerns:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

iya, aku kangen :(

many things, stuffs, people i've been missing recently.. :(


Saturday, February 12, 2011

im thanking Facebook for some reasons :)

yep! i have to thank Facebook for some reasons *thanking Mark Zuckerberg is more precise to do, hehe*

i've been knowing Facebook since 2006.. it was only i knew this cool site.. because i was Friendster user at that time and still loved it :p

i knew Facebook from my older cousin's mag.. i tried to open and access it, then i WAS TOTALLY CONFUSED and DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO DO.. too many boxes, the display was lame and i HAD NO friends at all! haha :D

i had made an account there in around 2006 then i ignored it for a long looooooooooooooooong time! my friends had no idea about it, anyway.. then with whom should i interact with on Facebook? *lol

i dont know precisely when i started to use and access the site and fall in love with it! xD
in 2007, i guess.. it was the first time i entered college's world.. hoho! :D

i remember when there was a friend told me about Facebook and she asked me to make an account there also since she was a newbie and had just already made one, i went to warnet and accessed Facebook..

i tried to register my e-mail and I HAD FORGOTTEN THAT I HAD BEEN REGISTERED MY NAME ON IT A YEAR AGO!! haha, silly.. xD

then i tried to enter the password i usually used, VOILA! i could open my account on Facebook.. :D
yea of course my account was totally empty and i had no friends at all.. :p

there i go! i started to leave Friendster and was busy in collecting friends as many as possible! adding everyone who i completely didnt know, accepting anyone who completely i didnt know also.. haha! *but i HAD already DELETED ALL Facebook users i dont know :D*

hehe! yep, i was totally alay at that time.. xD
i've been almost four years in maintaining my Facebook account :D and it GIVES ME LOTS OF ADVANTAGEOUS for sure!

some reasons why i should thank Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg for his BRILLIANT idea are:
  1. i can REconnect with my old friends.. VERY COOL, indeed! i even can find my elementary school mates, cimon xD, and anybody i recognized from my past :)
  2. i can gain many COOL and the MOST UPDATED info about anything.. starting from education, music, concerts, films, just anything fun stuffs i like :D i just love it!
  3. i can share my ideas, beliefs, cool comments on it and everybody on the planet knows it! haha!
  4. i can read many cool and awesome review or thoughts from my Facebook friends list.. sometimes i've been inspired from them in posting my writings here :)
  5. Facebook tells everybody's feelings in seconds!! haha~ sometimes it becomes some fun when reading people's status updates.. :p they, consciously or unconsciously, tell the world their feelings and secrets!! hoho.. :p
  6. there are some friends whose statuses are great and make me remember my GOD.. huahahha.. moreover, he is cute~ xD *haha! i know i know, the reason why i want to read his status is due to his gorgeous pic xD*
  7. the last thing that makes me should thank Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg is Facebook becomes the source of my final research paper and there is someone helps me in finishing my paper last semester ;) thanks for the help.. :*
yea, overall, Facebook is kinda big help and THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLACE FOR ME to find some fun *in a case of revealing people's secrets, HAHA :p*

thanks a bunch, Mark!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Efek Rumah Kaca-Jatuh Cinta Itu Biasa Saja

haha! let's connect it with Val's day that will be in the air for some days ahead!

err, not too much connected each other, actually.. :D

it's not important.. i mean, Val's day or not, what the heck, EH??
i fall in love everyday, and we should give love to everyone we love EVERYDAY.. not only on Val's day..
ah, what a silly day.. *i'd CELEBRATED it also when i was in junior high school, haha*

okay, talking about this Efek Rumah Kaca, it is one of Indonesian indie bands i HEART too much xD
more about Efek Rumah Kaca can be traced there :)

yea, i always love indie bands.. they're just unique and DIFFERENT.. like me, quoting Superman Is Dead's line: muda, BEDA, dan berbahaya!! haha~

falling in love is an average *approximately, the translation is like that, LOL* is the title of this ERK's song i post here..
see? soooo indie! :) even the title seems different and unique..

what i like from this song is the lyrics, the vocalist's voice and its music.. relaxing your mind and body..
awesome!! xD

this is the song:

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rivermaya-You'll Be Safe Here

aaaaaaahh, another sweet lyrics!! xD
now, Rivermaya's turn.. a Filipino rock band.. kinda unique and their music is sooooo GOOD! :)
dying in love with this song.. xD and the lyrics are sweet.. :))
Nobody knows
Just why we're here
Could it be fate
Or random circumstance
At the right place
At the right time
Two roads intertwine

And if the universe conspired
To meld our lives
To make us
Fuel and fire
Then know
Where ever you will be
So too shall I be

Close your eyes
Dry your tears
'Coz when nothing seems clear
You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Weary heart
You'll be safe here

Remember how we laughed
Until we cried
At the most stupid things
Like we were so high
But love was all that we were on
We belong

And though the world would never understand
This unlikely union and why it still stands

Someday we will be set free.
Pray and believe

When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here
When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here

Save your eyes
From your tears
When everything's unclear
You'll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Wounded heart

When the light disappears
And when this world's insincere
You'll be safe here

When nobody hears you scream
I'll scream with you
You'll be safe here

In my arms
Through the long cold night
Sleep tight
You'll be safe here

When no one understands
I'll believe
You'll be safe,
You'll be safe
You'll be safe here
Put your heart in my hands
You'll be safe here


aku tanya apa itu agama
kamu bilang aku KIRI

aku bilang aku ateis
kamu cap aku KOMUNIS

aku mau semua sama
kamu tuduh aku PLURALIS

aku tak pernah mau diingatkan solat
kamu pikir aku BEJAT??

aku hanya orang bebas
agama tak ajarkan kekerasan padaku

aku hanya orang bebas
uang bukan Tuhanku

aku hanya orang bebas
cinta satu-satunya bahasaku

aku hanya orang bebas
karena itu sebuah KEBUTUHAN


berpikir, bertindak, bertutur, berlaku
tapi hatiku belum MATI

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


kekerasan atas nama agama
judul headline di salah satu berita televisi swasta

ah, apa itu agama??

semua ramai mengatasnamakan AGAMA

aku tak mengerti apa itu agama

saling bunuh?
saling tembak?
adu senjata?
adu kuat?

mencipta MAYAT MAYAT??

membabi buta?

teriakkan nama Tuhan, atas nama agama..

begitukah agama?

WARNING: ini bukan catatan cinta--

yep! it is not about love.. although many people will consider this month as LOVE month..
it is February, anyway.. there is Val's Day there.. hoho!

surely, it makes me remember my junior high school time where i usually celebrated this Val's day and it WAS TOTALLY fun.. :p

it was a long time ago, anyway.. tee-hee!
again, it is not about love.. i just remember one day my junior updated her status on Facebook and it was read: sometimes we adore someone who ignores us, and ignore someone who adores us..


you know, it is soooooooooooo us.. oopps, okay.. it is so me.. but im sure most of you will say so.. ;)

yep! when adoring someone who ignores us is twice as fun as ignoring someone who adores us.. and that's the point!! when we prefer adore someone although she/he does not to adore back someone who adores us for sure.. and it becomes such 'FUN'.. :D

i dont know, but i DO it also.. :D

and my friend does it also.. giving all of love she has to someone who completely ignores her and she completely ignores someone who adores her..

COMPLICATED!! yea, that's LOVE, anyway.. haha!

to me, adoring someone who doesnt adore us back makes me on great vibrant! haha.. silly! yea, i know :)
but i'll feel im on a great challenge of something: it is to win his heart.. GYAHAHAHAHAHHAH!! *although most of the stories end in terrible scene, HAHA* :D

nope! i mean, this is a 'heart matter'.. you know, the most honest part of us is our hearts.. and we cant say YES when it says NO.. or vice versa~

ah, sounds complicated.. +.+
the most important point is: everyone will get her/his soulmate, FOR SURE, sooner or later.. :D

*ah, what am i babbling about????* -,-

Friday, February 4, 2011

i think it later on~

this weekend i watched The Green Hornet at BIP.. i dont know the casts but Cameron Diaz..
haha! im not kinda FREAK movie flick.. i just love watching COOL films, or at least some films-considered-to-be-COOL-by-me.. :D

FYI, every film i label as COOL means COOL.. *too much being confident :p*

i love animated and comedy best.. i LOATH horror movies.. i never want to pay the theater for terrifying me during the show.. ah, USELESS! -,-

the green hornet is kinda action with TOO MUCH comedy.. :D *even there is NO kissing scenes*
yep! there is NO kissing scenes for sure.. the film is so great! the effects are totally AWESOME.. i love it.. :)

the jokes are brilliant! i cant stop laughing during the show..
and i realized that the story seems like Megamind.. an animated movie about a villain who tries to be a hero and vice versa.. and both of them are TOTALLY insane in joking~ xD

i love it, TOO MUCH, of course.. :D

hmmm, if there is a good link to download the film, I HAVE TO BE THE FIRST KID WHO DOES IT!! :)

yang belum nonton, ayoooo nonton.. :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

am i jealous?? tell me, am i jealous???? anybody?? HAHA~

everybody feels it also.. i mean, in the situation which you feel suck, useless, suffer, weaker, like nobody when your friends -classmates, roommates, bestfriends- SEEM BE BETTER THAN YOU in EVERY WAY..

haha! okay, im talking about me, here.. surely! but if there is anyone who reads this posting and feels the SAME, do not ever blame me, please.. we're just the SAME.. ;) everyone does!

yea, it's useless to lie: I HAVE EVER BEEN IN THAT FEELING..
you know, when i feel sooooo terrible, useless, suck, idiot, poor, suffer and many other BAD adjectives compared to other friends' conditions, i'll feel those ways.. :( *sigh~

and i admit it! i have ever been in~

it seems really true that Indonesian proverb -i dont really sure that it is Indonesian's proverb, but it is famous, heheh- which sounds neighbors' grass are always GREENER than ours..
yep! we always -OK! it's I.. :D- feel that i am LESS than everybody in every way.. such as, im uglier, more idiot, poorer, weaker, more useless, more terrible, I AM NOBODY!

such as, thinking that my friend has PERFECT LIFE: a good-looking and nice boyfriend, happy life, excellent parents, nice marks at campus, cool gadgets, better brain, cool friends, etc etc etc..

HAHA!! surely!! i had ever thought that way.. thinking that i was a VERY TERRIBLE PATHETIC person.. *sigh!*

how poor i was.. :((

i realize now, IT WAS TOTALLY WRONG and SUCK THINKING!! for sure..

yea, because everybody in the world is CREATED DIFFERENTLY with her/his own specialties, destinies, fates.. and nobody is created wastefully.. maybe im not good at some particular things, but I AM THE PRO AT OTHER THINGS.. :)

always like that! because God never sleeps.. God has HIS own plans for all people in the world.. God NEVER CREATES useless THINGS.. God plans everything FOR THE BEST of HIS creatures, ALWAYS.. :)

hoho! yea, i had ever been jealous.. why should i was born not as her or him? why should myself become as MYSELF now? why should my parents were MY PARENTS? why should i didnt have anything like hers or his? YEP!! many WHY questions passed through my minds in a case of REGRETTING myself.. AND IT WAS TOTALLY USELESS!! WASTEFUL THINKING!! WRONG, TERRIBLE, IDIOT!!

thanks, God for making me realize that THANKING everything happens and owns by me as YOUR divine.. thanks for guiding me to YOUR ways.. :)

thanks a bunch!! >.<

so, am i jealous??? oopppss, it is not AM I, but WAS I jealous?? YEP!! but NOT ANYMORE~
im happy being me, im thanking God for creating me and giving me such WONDERFUL life, parents, families, love, and FRIENDS like you.. :)

being an independent kid~

it is about to be four years for me to be a tenant student.. tee-hee! YAY~ xD

you know, it is the time when you have to continue your study in a different city, live separately with your beloved family, and so on so forth.. and i have been almost four years living separately from my family in order to continue my study, finish my bachelor degree on Linguistics.. :)

oh, gosh~
i even cant believe myself.. i mean, hey! living alone with no relatives at all near you, all of people around you are strangers and it is a new place to conquer~ hoho, sounds too hyperbole.. :p

but it is! i mean, yea it is! the way to build your personalities, to examine how STRONG you are, to reveal something hidden in you, to PROVE that YOU ARE AN INDEPENDENT, STRONG KID.. and at last, you will shout to the world that I AM THE SURVIVOR!!

the power of being a tenant student.. :D
yea, and i feel it myself.. i was 19 when i had to move here. not exactly moving, but i'd spend much much more time in Bandung than in my hometown and with my family..

i was a bit shocked when the first time i moved here. you know, culture shock *although actually im from West Java, also.. haha* language matter *i REFUSE to speak in a traditional language, i LOVE Bahasa Indonesia and ENGLISH much more, HHA~* and et cetera.. weather is not a problem for me, i love the weather very much.. foods?? OF COURSE NOT!! Bandung is just like a food paradise.. hehe~ :D

i admit it, i cried five days every week at night.. haha! silly!! but yea, it was the only way i could do in order to make my heart feel better.. but IT WAS a history.. :D

yep! being a tenant student means being an independent kid.. because i should do everything by myself.. i admit it, i had never washed my clothes by myself, my parent did it to me ALWAYS! starting from 2007 when i had been accepted here, i HAD TO wash my clothes by myself!! haha! at first, i couldnt do it properly.. i just COULDNT have any ideas how to wash clothes properly.. lucky me, a friend of mine at kosan told me so.. hho! thank you very much.. :)

i hate being a tenant student! in a case of looking for foods.. huhu! sometimes im sick of those foods provide by the stalls near my kosan.. it is totally different from the situation at my home.. i mean, at home i can pick the foods anytime i want.. without needing much efforts: just take and GO! hha~ although the foods are COMMON foods and seem boring, but i love it in the sense of its simplicity.. *lol

but 8i dont want to waste these almost four years of being a tenant student.. i've been learning many things! to be an independent kid is the most important thing i've learned so far..
yep! i've been accustomed in doing EVERYTHING ALONE.. by myself.. i cant rely on anybody, anyway.. :)

hmm, one thing i havent learned yet is COOKING~ hho.. i still cant do this one.. take and GO is still my fave one! :D
Marilyn Manson 3