1. A paper of Critiquing of Translating and Interpreting Literary Works course (ah, forgot the material!! haha~ hmm, what should i DO with this damn task, eh?? *weeping* somebody please help me~) due date: Jan 10, 2010
2. A paper of Discourse Analysis course (hmm, my group chooses Discourse Grammar.. i dont know about the execution.. HAHA! *sigh) due date: Jan 11, 2010
3. A paper of Critical Analysis of Prose course (making an essay.. YAY~ an essay.. the literature one.. 750 words min. HELL YEAH!! do it, L~) due date: Jan 12, 2010
4. A paper of Critical Discourse Analysis course (Using van Dijk's theory.. ah!! what the?! -__-" yea, i take Linguistics, yea i know i CHOSE my destiny, but CDA really kills me~), due date: Jan 13, 2010
5. A paper of Historical Linguistics course (i've prepared the materials.. *trust me! huhu~), due date: Jan 13, 2010
*hope THEY will OVER soon.. these matter always torture me..
aaahhh, keep my spirit burniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnggg~ >.
#MyBlogMyRules: sharing rubbish, blabbering about nothing~ need no comments, NEED YOU TO READ ONLY..
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
tak kah kau tahu?? AKU SUDAH MUAK! *episode 2*
setelah yang tak kah kau tahu? AKU SUDAH MUAK! ini
aku pun ingin muncul lagi dengan yang episode 2 di sini
ah, aku memang aneh
ah, aneh memang aku!
jadi bukan hal aneh lagi, bukan?
padahal mengaku MUAK terhadap televisi,
tapi aku tetap mengadaptasi
sebuah istilah.. sistem hierarki
ah, bilang saja EPISODE~
ini adalah episode 2 dari Tak kah Kau Tahu? AKU SUDAH MUAK!
mengapa harus dikapitalkan hurufnya?
tapi sekarang, aku muak akan tayangan yang sekarang sedang ramai ditayangkan
apalagi lah kalau bukan
tentang si perusak..
ini kisah tentang perusak fasilitas negara
yang mengamuk karena kehabisan tiket termurah untuk, yang katanya, membela kebanggaan negara
tapi mengapa harus sampai anarkis?
kalau memang SUDAH HABIS
mengaku beradab
jangan bertingkah biadab
*walau sebenarnya yang aku bingungkan justru perbedaan beradab dan biadab
mengapa BERadab lebih baik dari BIadab?? padahal bi artinya DUA..
aku pun ingin muncul lagi dengan yang episode 2 di sini
ah, aku memang aneh
ah, aneh memang aku!
jadi bukan hal aneh lagi, bukan?
padahal mengaku MUAK terhadap televisi,
tapi aku tetap mengadaptasi
sebuah istilah.. sistem hierarki
ah, bilang saja EPISODE~
ini adalah episode 2 dari Tak kah Kau Tahu? AKU SUDAH MUAK!
mengapa harus dikapitalkan hurufnya?
tapi sekarang, aku muak akan tayangan yang sekarang sedang ramai ditayangkan
apalagi lah kalau bukan
tentang si perusak..
ini kisah tentang perusak fasilitas negara
yang mengamuk karena kehabisan tiket termurah untuk, yang katanya, membela kebanggaan negara
tapi mengapa harus sampai anarkis?
kalau memang SUDAH HABIS
mengaku beradab
jangan bertingkah biadab
*walau sebenarnya yang aku bingungkan justru perbedaan beradab dan biadab
mengapa BERadab lebih baik dari BIadab?? padahal bi artinya DUA..
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
judulnya mau2 aku, kamu, mereka, kalian ajalah..
pas tadi buka HP, lepas MMC-nya, *FYI, i use the OLD, cool N-GAGE, haha* soalnya mau buat masukin poto, eeehh pas dipasang lagi ke HPnya aku lupa nge-klik msvdrivee.. otomatis simpenan SMS aku jadinya ke memori telponnya..
dan apa sih yang aku temuin?? JRENG-JREEEEEEEEEEEENNGG~ *dramatic effect* aku nemu SMS2 jaman 1 Januari pe 31 Januari 2010 gitu.. haha! *pas gitu sebulanan.. :p*
aku baca2 aja deh tu semua.. pasti itu SMS2 yang kesimpen waktu aku belom ngaktipin msvdrivee.. ada banyak banget ternyata.. sekitar 700an gitu..
hmmm, produktif juga aku SMSan.. :D
maklum, saat2 itu lagi ada kecengan.. ekekekekekekeke~
pas dibaca2, huwaaaahh ngakak2 sendiri aja bawaannya.. gimana nggak?? itu tuh jaman2 aku semester 6 gitu.. nggak sedikit SMS2 yang isinya ngebahas UAS semester 6.. malah ada list nilai2 aku juga..
*hadaaahh, tak usah publikasi nilai2 disini.. :pp*
kata2 'kebon binatang' yang temen aku ketik juga banyak.. eits! jangan salaaaaaaaaaahh, tu bukan ditujukan ke aku yaaaa.. tapi ke nilai2 yang amburadul lantaran syok dapet 'nilai-kurang-menunjukkan-kehebatan-kita-yang-sebenernya-kita-nggak-pantes-dapet-nilai-segitu' atau singkatnya NILAI BURUK.. haha~
ada juga yang nyumpahin dosen2 gara2 ngasih tugas bejibun.. *hehe, it's very human, okay Lecturers? ;)*
ada juga SMS2 dari temen se-kosan yang kamernya cuman di sebelah kamerku doang *baca: Dwi Ratnaningdyah* haha~
SMSnya nggak jelas, mulai dari yang isinya cuman tanda tanya doang, 'HAHA' doang, nyuruh nonton stasiun tipi tertentu, daaaaaaaan hal2 nggak masuk akal laennya.. ekekekekeke~ :pp
wah, pokonya banyaklah.. mulai dari SMS2 macem gitu dengan bahasa yang 'indah2', 'nilai2 indah', SMS nggak jelas, sampe yang dari kecengan yang cuman sekedar 'basa-basi nggak penting tapi bikin hepi'.. *asoi~
cuman beberapa hari lagi, tu SMS2 bakal jadi SMS2 jadul yang berusia sekitar 1 tahun.. *hoho! untuk ukuran SMS itu udah dianggep jadul yaaa? :p*
:D *sigh! (_ _")
*dan akhirnya GARUDA mesti tunduk sama HARIMAU.. fair play selalu dijunjung.. lapang dada terima kekalahan, kita balas di GBK!! :D*
glory glory, Indonesia.. glory, glory, Garuda!!
dan apa sih yang aku temuin?? JRENG-JREEEEEEEEEEEENNGG~ *dramatic effect* aku nemu SMS2 jaman 1 Januari pe 31 Januari 2010 gitu.. haha! *pas gitu sebulanan.. :p*
aku baca2 aja deh tu semua.. pasti itu SMS2 yang kesimpen waktu aku belom ngaktipin msvdrivee.. ada banyak banget ternyata.. sekitar 700an gitu..
hmmm, produktif juga aku SMSan.. :D
maklum, saat2 itu lagi ada kecengan.. ekekekekekekeke~
pas dibaca2, huwaaaahh ngakak2 sendiri aja bawaannya.. gimana nggak?? itu tuh jaman2 aku semester 6 gitu.. nggak sedikit SMS2 yang isinya ngebahas UAS semester 6.. malah ada list nilai2 aku juga..
*hadaaahh, tak usah publikasi nilai2 disini.. :pp*
kata2 'kebon binatang' yang temen aku ketik juga banyak.. eits! jangan salaaaaaaaaaahh, tu bukan ditujukan ke aku yaaaa.. tapi ke nilai2 yang amburadul lantaran syok dapet 'nilai-kurang-menunjukkan-kehebatan-kita-yang-sebenernya-kita-nggak-pantes-dapet-nilai-segitu' atau singkatnya NILAI BURUK.. haha~
ada juga yang nyumpahin dosen2 gara2 ngasih tugas bejibun.. *hehe, it's very human, okay Lecturers? ;)*
ada juga SMS2 dari temen se-kosan yang kamernya cuman di sebelah kamerku doang *baca: Dwi Ratnaningdyah* haha~
SMSnya nggak jelas, mulai dari yang isinya cuman tanda tanya doang, 'HAHA' doang, nyuruh nonton stasiun tipi tertentu, daaaaaaaan hal2 nggak masuk akal laennya.. ekekekekeke~ :pp
wah, pokonya banyaklah.. mulai dari SMS2 macem gitu dengan bahasa yang 'indah2', 'nilai2 indah', SMS nggak jelas, sampe yang dari kecengan yang cuman sekedar 'basa-basi nggak penting tapi bikin hepi'.. *asoi~
cuman beberapa hari lagi, tu SMS2 bakal jadi SMS2 jadul yang berusia sekitar 1 tahun.. *hoho! untuk ukuran SMS itu udah dianggep jadul yaaa? :p*
:D *sigh! (_ _")
*dan akhirnya GARUDA mesti tunduk sama HARIMAU.. fair play selalu dijunjung.. lapang dada terima kekalahan, kita balas di GBK!! :D*
glory glory, Indonesia.. glory, glory, Garuda!!
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
lagi stres
Saturday, December 25, 2010
we dont want to be REAL, we just want to be IDEAL..
this line was my lecturer's babbling *haha! sorry, but i always consider all of my lecturers' sayings as 'babbling' :D*
i take Copy Writing course this semester.. and i know, from the first time i heard the name of Copy Writing i'd fall in love with it.. and i was TRUE! im in love with the course.. *haha! it's God's divine i can be in love with a course~*
more or less, this course is about making good advertisements.. YAY~ ads, Fellas! :D
yea, you know, how to make a good ad for the clients, in newspapers, magz, radio, TVs, even in the internet.. or it is usually called as cyber ads.. :)
fun, uh? *yea, of course! i'll only fall in love with FUN things :D*
so far, i've made a small scale research in comparing two products to get some facts about these products i chose in society, and i've also made my own ad with a friend.. haha! it was SO MUCH FUN to die for.. i mean, hey im not good in drawing, im good in SCRIBBLING.. and this skill benefited me TOO MUCH.. :D
you know, i've made our own *since we're in team* ad.. im as the ILLUSTRATOR *the terrible one, of course* and a friend of mine become the CONCEPT MAKER..
and the result is: a [terrible] illustrator + a nice concept maker = A [very] GOOD ad :DD
i'll post our masterpiece later on~
back to the title, yea, my lecturer said the line above *my posting's title*
WE DONT WANT TO BE REAL, we just want to BE IDEAL.. *more or less is like that :D*
and what does it mean? since the course is Copy Writing and it deals with ads, yea he babbled about ADS..
and the impact for us *read as: the consumers*
yep! why should we DONT WANT TO BE REAL? because WE WANT TO BE IDEAL.. that's it..
easy, simple, INTERESTING!
and this concept of IDEAL is EXAGGERATIVELY EXTRA EXPOSED by ads.. *yea, what else?*
ads are the simplest and the most appropriate thing to invade our minds, to persuade, and to EMBRACE people in all ages..
children, adults, youngsters, seniors, rich, poor.. ALL OF US consume ads..
take a look at the cosmetics ads for women.. *these ads are the easiest ones to investigate* how does the models look like? what do they expose on the screen? the concept of beauty, Fellas~
a simpler sentence: beautiful means fair skins, bule look alike, long lovely hair, and do MAKE-UP-ing.. :D
that's IDEAL.. and it pushes us that WE WANT TO BE IDEAL like that.. and we dont want to be REAL anymore..
see what i mean? yea, just take a look at your toiletries, fellas~
what kinds of products you have there?? having been attempted by the ads, uh?? lots of them, uh?? ;)
yea, it's normal.. and this is the bad effect of ads lurks..
not only women cosmetics ads, but there are lots of ads there which have great impacts like these as well..
if we, as consumers, are attempted to the ads we consume, it means THE COPY WRITERS WHO ARE BEHIND THOSE ADS are BRILLIANT~
their works are smooth.. then, we, as consumers, are interested in TRYING those.. :D
AH-AH! blame the copy writers, anyway~ :P
P.S: we have been being SUCH GREAT, COOL, BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME, UNIQUE persons since we were born, fellas~
just be yourself, always! to be IDEAL or NOT is not a big deal.. be the REAL you.. WE ARE SPECIAL~ :D
i take Copy Writing course this semester.. and i know, from the first time i heard the name of Copy Writing i'd fall in love with it.. and i was TRUE! im in love with the course.. *haha! it's God's divine i can be in love with a course~*
more or less, this course is about making good advertisements.. YAY~ ads, Fellas! :D
yea, you know, how to make a good ad for the clients, in newspapers, magz, radio, TVs, even in the internet.. or it is usually called as cyber ads.. :)
fun, uh? *yea, of course! i'll only fall in love with FUN things :D*
so far, i've made a small scale research in comparing two products to get some facts about these products i chose in society, and i've also made my own ad with a friend.. haha! it was SO MUCH FUN to die for.. i mean, hey im not good in drawing, im good in SCRIBBLING.. and this skill benefited me TOO MUCH.. :D
you know, i've made our own *since we're in team* ad.. im as the ILLUSTRATOR *the terrible one, of course* and a friend of mine become the CONCEPT MAKER..
and the result is: a [terrible] illustrator + a nice concept maker = A [very] GOOD ad :DD
i'll post our masterpiece later on~
back to the title, yea, my lecturer said the line above *my posting's title*
WE DONT WANT TO BE REAL, we just want to BE IDEAL.. *more or less is like that :D*
and what does it mean? since the course is Copy Writing and it deals with ads, yea he babbled about ADS..
and the impact for us *read as: the consumers*
yep! why should we DONT WANT TO BE REAL? because WE WANT TO BE IDEAL.. that's it..
easy, simple, INTERESTING!
and this concept of IDEAL is EXAGGERATIVELY EXTRA EXPOSED by ads.. *yea, what else?*
ads are the simplest and the most appropriate thing to invade our minds, to persuade, and to EMBRACE people in all ages..
children, adults, youngsters, seniors, rich, poor.. ALL OF US consume ads..
take a look at the cosmetics ads for women.. *these ads are the easiest ones to investigate* how does the models look like? what do they expose on the screen? the concept of beauty, Fellas~
a simpler sentence: beautiful means fair skins, bule look alike, long lovely hair, and do MAKE-UP-ing.. :D
that's IDEAL.. and it pushes us that WE WANT TO BE IDEAL like that.. and we dont want to be REAL anymore..
see what i mean? yea, just take a look at your toiletries, fellas~
what kinds of products you have there?? having been attempted by the ads, uh?? lots of them, uh?? ;)
yea, it's normal.. and this is the bad effect of ads lurks..
not only women cosmetics ads, but there are lots of ads there which have great impacts like these as well..
if we, as consumers, are attempted to the ads we consume, it means THE COPY WRITERS WHO ARE BEHIND THOSE ADS are BRILLIANT~
their works are smooth.. then, we, as consumers, are interested in TRYING those.. :D
AH-AH! blame the copy writers, anyway~ :P
P.S: we have been being SUCH GREAT, COOL, BEAUTIFUL, HANDSOME, UNIQUE persons since we were born, fellas~
just be yourself, always! to be IDEAL or NOT is not a big deal.. be the REAL you.. WE ARE SPECIAL~ :D
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
Friday, December 24, 2010
love this line
when your brain stops working,
it means you are in love~
it means you are in love~
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
bondan feat fade to black-kita selamanya
about 8 days left to NEW YEAR.. :D
wow! 2010 will be a memory in a week only..
forget all the pains, hurts, failures, and any other BAD experiences you had this year..
because a 2011 is coming closeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr *whispering*
new year always reminds me to something i always do: *as a youth at that time* going and hanging out with some friends, watching movies, then gazing at the firecrackers.. *simple* :D
new year means new look.. *as a youth at that time* like changing my hair-style, buying some new school equipments *ONCE a year happened! haha*, new shoes, etc..
and new year also reminds me that IT IS A NEW BEGINNING [again!]..
reminds me of something about A NEW YEAR OF SCHOOL TIME.. you know, when we were still in Junior or Senior High School then we had to 'say goodbye' to the previous year and it meant that we would enter a new class, new teachers, a new grade.. :D
and finally WE PASSED our education..
AHH~ that was the most memorable time for me!! surely.. :DD
then this Bondan feat Fade to Black-Kita Selamanya lyrics REMINDS me ALL OF THOSE MEMORIES..
jaman2nya masih pake putih-biru atau putih-abu2.. haha~
gokil-lah!! sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget~~ xD
it's not the end, it's just the beginning
detak detik tirai mulai menutup panggung
tanda skenario baru harus diusung
lembaran kertas baru pun terbuka
tinggalkan yang lama, biarkan sang pena berlaga
kita pernah sebut itu kenangan tempo dulu
pernah juga hilang atau takkan pernah berlalu
masa jaya putih, biru atau abu2
memori cita, cinta aku, dia dan kamu
saat dia, dia dan dia masuki alam pikiran
ilmu bumi dan sekitarnya jadi kudapan
cinta masa sekolah yang pernah terjadi
that was the moment a part of sweet memory
kita membumi, melangkah berdua
kita ciptakan hangat sebuah cerita
mulai dewasa, cemburu dan bunga
finally now, it's our time to make a history
bergegaslah, kawan
tuk sambut masa depan
tetap berpegang tangan, saling berpelukan
berikan senyuman
tuk sebuah perpisahan
kenanglah, sahabat.. kita untuk selamanya!
satu alasan kenapa kau kurekam dalam memori
satu cerita teringat di dalam hati
karena kau berharga dalam hidupku, teman
untuk satu pijakan menuju masa depan
saat duka bersama, tawa bersama
berpacu dalam prestasi, hal yang biasa
satu per satu memori terekam
di dalam api semangat yang tak mudah padam
kuyakin kau pasti sama dengan diriku
pernah berharap agar waktu ini tak berlalu
kawan, kau tahu, kawan? kau tahu kan?
beri pupuk terbaik untuk bunga yang kau simpan
and all of those memories are WELL-DESCRIBED by Bondan and his friends through these lyrics.. :)
about 8 days left to NEW YEAR.. :D
wow! 2010 will be a memory in a week only..
forget all the pains, hurts, failures, and any other BAD experiences you had this year..
because a 2011 is coming closeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrr *whispering*
new year always reminds me to something i always do: *as a youth at that time* going and hanging out with some friends, watching movies, then gazing at the firecrackers.. *simple* :D
new year means new look.. *as a youth at that time* like changing my hair-style, buying some new school equipments *ONCE a year happened! haha*, new shoes, etc..
and new year also reminds me that IT IS A NEW BEGINNING [again!]..
reminds me of something about A NEW YEAR OF SCHOOL TIME.. you know, when we were still in Junior or Senior High School then we had to 'say goodbye' to the previous year and it meant that we would enter a new class, new teachers, a new grade.. :D
and finally WE PASSED our education..
AHH~ that was the most memorable time for me!! surely.. :DD
then this Bondan feat Fade to Black-Kita Selamanya lyrics REMINDS me ALL OF THOSE MEMORIES..
jaman2nya masih pake putih-biru atau putih-abu2.. haha~
gokil-lah!! sukaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa banget~~ xD
it's not the end, it's just the beginning
detak detik tirai mulai menutup panggung
tanda skenario baru harus diusung
lembaran kertas baru pun terbuka
tinggalkan yang lama, biarkan sang pena berlaga
kita pernah sebut itu kenangan tempo dulu
pernah juga hilang atau takkan pernah berlalu
masa jaya putih, biru atau abu2
memori cita, cinta aku, dia dan kamu
saat dia, dia dan dia masuki alam pikiran
ilmu bumi dan sekitarnya jadi kudapan
cinta masa sekolah yang pernah terjadi
that was the moment a part of sweet memory
kita membumi, melangkah berdua
kita ciptakan hangat sebuah cerita
mulai dewasa, cemburu dan bunga
finally now, it's our time to make a history
bergegaslah, kawan
tuk sambut masa depan
tetap berpegang tangan, saling berpelukan
berikan senyuman
tuk sebuah perpisahan
kenanglah, sahabat.. kita untuk selamanya!
satu alasan kenapa kau kurekam dalam memori
satu cerita teringat di dalam hati
karena kau berharga dalam hidupku, teman
untuk satu pijakan menuju masa depan
saat duka bersama, tawa bersama
berpacu dalam prestasi, hal yang biasa
satu per satu memori terekam
di dalam api semangat yang tak mudah padam
kuyakin kau pasti sama dengan diriku
pernah berharap agar waktu ini tak berlalu
kawan, kau tahu, kawan? kau tahu kan?
beri pupuk terbaik untuk bunga yang kau simpan
and all of those memories are WELL-DESCRIBED by Bondan and his friends through these lyrics.. :)
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
i heart these lyrics,
im a dork
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
oh, sekarang hari ibu?
ternyata aku sudah cukup tua untuk mengingat
kapan terakhir kali aku bilang aku cinta kau!
22 tahun, 7 bulan
waktu yang cukup untuk membuktikan
cinta si wanita renta pada cahaya matanya
yang bahkan mereka pun tak sadar bahwa doa-doanyalah yang selama ini yang menjadi
ya, ternyata aku pun sudah cukup tua untuk mengingat hal itu
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
pre-thesis writing. *what the heck?!
hammering my head is THE BEST CHOICE to do.. T___T
err, i know, technically, i am kinda idiot..
in the case of classroom matter..
YEA! i told you, my brain is kinda SLOW in absorbing the materials in the classroom.. or you can call it as telmi.. haha! *sigh*
i dont know, my friends in class -AT LEAST what I CAN SEE- consider me as an INCREDIBLE student.. because [maybe] im the one from my class of 2007 who HAS DONE THE PROPOSAL SEMINAR for skripsi among the class of 2006..
it can be said that I AM ONE STEP BETTER than my other friends in class of 2007 *in doing skripsi* because i applied it at my 7th semester which is usually done at 8th semester *which means again i SHOULD do it next semester*
yea, they praised me and considered me as a 'good student', the 'smart one', and INCREDIBLE..
AS A MATTER OF FACT: i am the opposite of all those~
in a simple term: I AM actually TERRIBLE not incredible.. HAHA!
and I AM!! you know what?? i did a pre-thesis writing just now.. you know, some kinda test that is required for those who have applied the skripsi proposal to TEST whether she/he DESERVES to write skripsi.. due to my name WAS in the list and i HAVE DONE the seminar, i have to fulfill this test also..
and, again, you know what?? the test consists of TWO NUMBERS only.. and I HAVENT FINISHED THEM yet until the bell rang.. the test was kinda a test of our ability in writing or arranging story..
it sounds easy, uh? but IT WASNT! totally..
i even COULDNT do the second question: TO SUMMARIZE a text.. *how stupid*
gee~ it seems easy here to write something 'rubbish' like the postings of my blog..
but not THE TEST.. T________________T
see, fellas?? im not an incredible student like you think..
im just TERRIBLE.. *sigh*
*Dear God,
the reasons why i want to graduate soon and take skripsi at 7th semester are I DONT WANT TO PAY MY TUITION FEE and MY BOARDING ROOM anymore..
it's not because im an incredible student like what my friends think.. it's also not because i know and understand well all the materials my lecturers give to me.. YOU know my brain is wrecked..
i just dont want to pay those things i've mentioned before, God..
please, understand me.. okay?
make my dream comes true I CAN GRADUATE in August 2011.. AAMIIN!
Thanks, God.. :)
hammering my head is THE BEST CHOICE to do.. T___T
err, i know, technically, i am kinda idiot..
in the case of classroom matter..
YEA! i told you, my brain is kinda SLOW in absorbing the materials in the classroom.. or you can call it as telmi.. haha! *sigh*
i dont know, my friends in class -AT LEAST what I CAN SEE- consider me as an INCREDIBLE student.. because [maybe] im the one from my class of 2007 who HAS DONE THE PROPOSAL SEMINAR for skripsi among the class of 2006..
it can be said that I AM ONE STEP BETTER than my other friends in class of 2007 *in doing skripsi* because i applied it at my 7th semester which is usually done at 8th semester *which means again i SHOULD do it next semester*
yea, they praised me and considered me as a 'good student', the 'smart one', and INCREDIBLE..
AS A MATTER OF FACT: i am the opposite of all those~
in a simple term: I AM actually TERRIBLE not incredible.. HAHA!
and I AM!! you know what?? i did a pre-thesis writing just now.. you know, some kinda test that is required for those who have applied the skripsi proposal to TEST whether she/he DESERVES to write skripsi.. due to my name WAS in the list and i HAVE DONE the seminar, i have to fulfill this test also..
and, again, you know what?? the test consists of TWO NUMBERS only.. and I HAVENT FINISHED THEM yet until the bell rang.. the test was kinda a test of our ability in writing or arranging story..
it sounds easy, uh? but IT WASNT! totally..
i even COULDNT do the second question: TO SUMMARIZE a text.. *how stupid*
gee~ it seems easy here to write something 'rubbish' like the postings of my blog..
but not THE TEST.. T________________T
see, fellas?? im not an incredible student like you think..
im just TERRIBLE.. *sigh*
*Dear God,
the reasons why i want to graduate soon and take skripsi at 7th semester are I DONT WANT TO PAY MY TUITION FEE and MY BOARDING ROOM anymore..
it's not because im an incredible student like what my friends think.. it's also not because i know and understand well all the materials my lecturers give to me.. YOU know my brain is wrecked..
i just dont want to pay those things i've mentioned before, God..
please, understand me.. okay?
make my dream comes true I CAN GRADUATE in August 2011.. AAMIIN!
Thanks, God.. :)
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
Monday, December 20, 2010
and today is.. MON(ster)DAY!
it's Monday, 20th..
oh, snap~ time goes that fast..
i mean, hey it's 20th December 2010.. and new year approaches that fast.. :D
i even dont know what i have done along this year *sigh*
hmm, but the point is dont ever forget to thank ourselves for the achievements we've gained..
even the SMALLEST ones..
because something BIG always comes from something SMALL, right? ;)
hmm, [again] i've been stucked lately.. in the sense of writing *or typing?*
the inspirations such dont want to come.. ahahahhaha~ *sigh*
it's my blog, anyway~ no pressure i have to ALWAYS post something 'looks' precious and good.. *and the question is: HAVE I EVER WRITTEN SOMETHING good AND precious??*
okay, lets get the party started, fellas! :)
selamat hari Senin.. :D
*INDONESIA vs MALAYSIA in final match of AFF 2010*
oh, snap~ time goes that fast..
i mean, hey it's 20th December 2010.. and new year approaches that fast.. :D
i even dont know what i have done along this year *sigh*
hmm, but the point is dont ever forget to thank ourselves for the achievements we've gained..
even the SMALLEST ones..
because something BIG always comes from something SMALL, right? ;)
hmm, [again] i've been stucked lately.. in the sense of writing *or typing?*
the inspirations such dont want to come.. ahahahhaha~ *sigh*
it's my blog, anyway~ no pressure i have to ALWAYS post something 'looks' precious and good.. *and the question is: HAVE I EVER WRITTEN SOMETHING good AND precious??*
okay, lets get the party started, fellas! :)
selamat hari Senin.. :D
*INDONESIA vs MALAYSIA in final match of AFF 2010*
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
lagi stres
Sunday, December 19, 2010
ribut2 nggak jelas.. zzzzzzzzzzzzz!
iya tuh.. heran banget deh..
masa serumpun tapi ribut melulu??
haha! itu looohh, Malaysia VS Indonesia..
beuh!! abis baca2 postingan di salah satu web tentang ribut2nya Malon VS Indon..
sumpahlah, pengen ngakak!! *then i'll LAUGH out LOUD*
ya, gimana nggak?? aneh aja deh.. semua ngaku2 negara gue yang paling bener, paling oke, paling hebat, paling te-o-pe, paling semuanya.. negara lu?!? cuman sekumpulan orang2 bego doang~
ya, kira2 aja isinya begitu.. aslinya sih lebih PARAH ANCURR!! saling meninggikan HARGA DIRI MASING2, tapi PAKE CARA YANG NGGAK BANGET.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. +.+ cape dehhh..
sumpah, MIRIS..
sebenernya APA SIHH yang diributin?? apa sih yang dibanggain?? saling menjatuhkan cuman mau diakuin dan dihormatin.. saling MENGHINA dan MELENYAPKAN identitas masing2 cuman buat NGEBUKTIIN kalo 'ini nih negara si gue yang punya bla-bla dan negara elu tuh yang bisanya cuman ngaku2 dan nge-klaim2 doang'.. 'dasar bla-bla!'.. 'dasar cuman pengirim bla-bla'.. 'dan BLA-BLA-BLA' lainnya yang kalo kata aku SANGAT TIDAK PANTAS buat diucapin sama ORANG2 YANG MENGAKU DIRINYA ITU LEBIH BAIK DARI YANG LAINNYA..
mendingan aku ngopi deeehhh daripada ikutan yang kayak begituan.. hehe! *lagian nggak nyambung, ngopi ma ngikut ngisi thread* :D
udahlah, kalo mau bersaing, ya bersaing yang SEHAT..
mendingan saingan di PIALA AFF 2010 aja.. :D
Malaysia masuk final..
salam damai, buat semua..
masa serumpun tapi ribut melulu??
haha! itu looohh, Malaysia VS Indonesia..
beuh!! abis baca2 postingan di salah satu web tentang ribut2nya Malon VS Indon..
sumpahlah, pengen ngakak!! *then i'll LAUGH out LOUD*
ya, gimana nggak?? aneh aja deh.. semua ngaku2 negara gue yang paling bener, paling oke, paling hebat, paling te-o-pe, paling semuanya.. negara lu?!? cuman sekumpulan orang2 bego doang~
ya, kira2 aja isinya begitu.. aslinya sih lebih PARAH ANCURR!! saling meninggikan HARGA DIRI MASING2, tapi PAKE CARA YANG NGGAK BANGET.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. +.+ cape dehhh..
sumpah, MIRIS..
sebenernya APA SIHH yang diributin?? apa sih yang dibanggain?? saling menjatuhkan cuman mau diakuin dan dihormatin.. saling MENGHINA dan MELENYAPKAN identitas masing2 cuman buat NGEBUKTIIN kalo 'ini nih negara si gue yang punya bla-bla dan negara elu tuh yang bisanya cuman ngaku2 dan nge-klaim2 doang'.. 'dasar bla-bla!'.. 'dasar cuman pengirim bla-bla'.. 'dan BLA-BLA-BLA' lainnya yang kalo kata aku SANGAT TIDAK PANTAS buat diucapin sama ORANG2 YANG MENGAKU DIRINYA ITU LEBIH BAIK DARI YANG LAINNYA..
mendingan aku ngopi deeehhh daripada ikutan yang kayak begituan.. hehe! *lagian nggak nyambung, ngopi ma ngikut ngisi thread* :D
udahlah, kalo mau bersaing, ya bersaing yang SEHAT..
mendingan saingan di PIALA AFF 2010 aja.. :D
Malaysia masuk final..
salam damai, buat semua..
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
Saturday, December 18, 2010
ya pokonya HAPPY WEEKEND, fellas!!
afterall, it's weekend in the air [again!]..
yep! happy Saturday, fellas~
this Saturday, i think, i'll spend my time at a library..
hehe! kinda a diligent student, but in fact IM NOT.. *lol*
as the 7th semester student, i have to be stand-by very often at a library..
yea, looking up some sources and useful books for my FINAL research.. i mean, final research as a requirement for graduating from my lovely college.. *is it??* :D
yea, i've passed the seminar, and thank God i didnt miss the schedule again.. :))
it means there is still LOOOONGGGEEERR way to surf on~
2 more seminars, then pre-writing course.. *oh-oh!! my legs are even shaking for hearing this 'pre-writing'* haha~ :DD
oh iya, saking sibuknya ngurus kayak gituan, aku sampe2 lupa gak buang2 sampah yang udah numpuk depan kamer..
kemaren2 pas balik ke kosan, eh tau2 sampah2nya udah gak ada dong!! wow, who dumped them, anyway?? HA-HA!! whoever you are, THANKS A BUNCH FROM ME~~
*tapi curiga si bapak kosan deh.. -,.-"*
yep! happy Saturday, fellas~
this Saturday, i think, i'll spend my time at a library..
hehe! kinda a diligent student, but in fact IM NOT.. *lol*
as the 7th semester student, i have to be stand-by very often at a library..
yea, looking up some sources and useful books for my FINAL research.. i mean, final research as a requirement for graduating from my lovely college.. *is it??* :D
yea, i've passed the seminar, and thank God i didnt miss the schedule again.. :))
it means there is still LOOOONGGGEEERR way to surf on~
2 more seminars, then pre-writing course.. *oh-oh!! my legs are even shaking for hearing this 'pre-writing'* haha~ :DD
oh iya, saking sibuknya ngurus kayak gituan, aku sampe2 lupa gak buang2 sampah yang udah numpuk depan kamer..
kemaren2 pas balik ke kosan, eh tau2 sampah2nya udah gak ada dong!! wow, who dumped them, anyway?? HA-HA!! whoever you are, THANKS A BUNCH FROM ME~~
*tapi curiga si bapak kosan deh.. -,.-"*
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN)
Friday, December 17, 2010
dashboard confessional-stolen
nothing i can say but COOL~~~
>.<// hmmm, the song is SOOOOO me.. :D
>.<// hmmm, the song is SOOOOO me.. :D
We watch the season pull up its own stakes
And catch the last weekend of the last week
Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced,
Another sun soaked season fades away
You have stolen my heart
Invitation only, grand farewells
Crash the best one, of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed, too early to say goodnight
You have stolen my heart
And from the ballroom floor we are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all, will sleep well
You have stolen
You have stolen my heart
I watch you spin around in your highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones
We all look like we feel
You have stolen my
You have stolen my heart
trash can:
i heart these lyrics
peeka bilang..
peeka bilang kalo ada cowo yang ngomongnya pake "aku-kamu" pasti cowo itu brengsek..
dan itu BENAR, Pek~
*INDONESIA 1-0 PHILIPPINE, thanks for the el-loco*
dan itu BENAR, Pek~
*INDONESIA 1-0 PHILIPPINE, thanks for the el-loco*
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
KKN oh KKN.. hahah-heheh!
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practicing Pencak Silat, hehe~ |
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kinda didnt believe it when i first came to the village, there were two cute children here! gosh~ hehe |
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buying some cireng~ and they were really CHEAP! hoho! |
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this is a house when Luna Maya acted in Janda Kembang movie.. gee! nice house~ and it was surprised me that the village was FAMOUS, anyway~ lol |
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left-right: ihya, ai, monich, detik, ari, galih, puji, ME, and kiki~ |
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(FRONT) left-right: kiki, monich, puji, ihya, ai, detik, ME (BACK) left-right: galih, ari |
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the house~ hoho! |
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inside the house~ HAHA! |
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first day's food~ haha! looks yum2 and EXPENSIVE.. :D |
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
lagi stres
Thursday, December 16, 2010
daniel bedingfield-if you're not the one
i'll share the CUTEST and SWEETEST and MOST ROMANTIC lyrics ever~
haha! Daniel Bedingfield-If You're Not the One..
im sure, many of you know this song.. *girls LOVE it too much!!*
hmmm, boys~ sing this song to your girls~~ and they'll in LOVE so with you.. :D
really love it too too too too MUCH~
haha! Daniel Bedingfield-If You're Not the One..
im sure, many of you know this song.. *girls LOVE it too much!!*
hmmm, boys~ sing this song to your girls~~ and they'll in LOVE so with you.. :D
If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?aaaahhh~ sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt!!! >.</
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all
I'll never know whatthe future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?
I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?
‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms
really love it too too too too MUCH~
trash can:
i heart these lyrics
today is so prestigious..
december 16, 2010..
my friends graduate today..
i have a proposal seminar also today..
wish me luck~
*Menulis pun rasanya capek luar biasa, atau mungkin saya sedang muak? dan tidak punya inspirasi?*
Gie's word.. :( representing me very well..
I HAVE NO INSPIRATIONS.. atau saya sedang MUAK??
my friends graduate today..
i have a proposal seminar also today..
wish me luck~
*Menulis pun rasanya capek luar biasa, atau mungkin saya sedang muak? dan tidak punya inspirasi?*
Gie's word.. :( representing me very well..
I HAVE NO INSPIRATIONS.. atau saya sedang MUAK??
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
lagi stres
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
ya, emang bener.. good intention CREATES good thing.. :)
i found this interesting article and WOW~ *in Bahasa, of course hehe*
yep, of course!! good intention will create good thing also.. :)
that's what my belief always tells me..
and the article also shows how the way God arranges our lives..
bahkan hanya dalam hitungan detik, apapun bisa terjadi..
what seems IMPOSSIBLE, it will be that easy for HIM to do it.. :)
so, keep doing good.. it will always create GOOD THING(S) also.. :D
yep, of course!! good intention will create good thing also.. :)
that's what my belief always tells me..
and the article also shows how the way God arranges our lives..
bahkan hanya dalam hitungan detik, apapun bisa terjadi..
what seems IMPOSSIBLE, it will be that easy for HIM to do it.. :)
so, keep doing good.. it will always create GOOD THING(S) also.. :D
trash can:
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
simbiosis mutualisme
i happy, u happy
gue seneng, lu seneng
aku bahagia, kamu bahagia
namanya juga mutualisme
: saling menguntungkan!
sama saja dengan acara yang marak di TV-TV
stasiun TV berjaya dapat pemasukan dari SMS
si talent *baca: para partisipan dengan bakat yang KATANYA dipilih Indonesia, padahal aku nggak pernah merasa milih* juga berjaya dapat fans yang aku nggak pernah ngerti: apa yang di-IDOLA-kan kah?
gue seneng, lu seneng
aku bahagia, kamu bahagia
namanya juga mutualisme
: saling menguntungkan!
sama saja dengan acara yang marak di TV-TV
stasiun TV berjaya dapat pemasukan dari SMS
si talent *baca: para partisipan dengan bakat yang KATANYA dipilih Indonesia, padahal aku nggak pernah merasa milih* juga berjaya dapat fans yang aku nggak pernah ngerti: apa yang di-IDOLA-kan kah?
Monday, December 13, 2010
watchout! sex offenders!!
hmm, lemme do some curcol first here.. haha! :D
i dont know, i feel bored with my college life.. in this 7th semester, i feel that STUDYING IS HORRIBLY BORING~ -__-" i wanna GRADUATE soon!! *weeping*
i feel my life is tortured by ASSignments, papers, tasks which i even dont know when they stop torturing my brain.. *HUAHAHA~
you know what, this morning (12/13/2010) i came at 11.15AM to the campus, in fact i had a class at 10.40AM.. i woke up very late! of course, i decided not to come to the class although i had been there.. i was totally late anyway..
*but one thing i dont understand is: WHY DID I STILL COME TO THE CAMPUS IN FACT I KNOW THAT I'LL BE LATE??*
gee!! haha~ see? my brain is totally wrecked.. :(
so, i just spent my time at the lobby with some friends who didnt attend the class also.. hmmm, I HAD REALLY NO IDEA TO DO BUT CAME TO THE CAMPUS THEN AT 1PM I'D BE BACK TO MY BOARDING ROOM AGAIN..
silly!! stupid, i think.. *sigh*
i dont know, i feel soooo lazy recently.. there's nothing in my head but GRADUATE SOON! but i still miss the classes and dont want to my too-much-ASSignments.. (_ _") *god, help me out, please..*
okay! enough for the curcol, now i'd like to post my view about the sex offenders.. :D
after seeing my Home page of my Facebook then i saw also a friend liked a page of this Don't Allow Registered Sex Offenders on Facebook.. i've clicked it and joined the causes page..
hmm, the first time i saw the title i was too curious to know what the page about.. because i didnt really understand the meaning of this sex offenders.. literally means penyerang seks?? *weird!*
haha! then i clicked the page, joined it, read the page, then finally TA-DAA~ i got the point! *it took time to realize it, dasar lemot! lol*
the page contains people concerns about the DAMNED sex offenders who raped children and it was the worst ever, so the conviction was sentenced 25 years in jail~
hmm, pedophilia are many out there.. Indonesia contains less of them, but not now, i guess.. i've heard also some cases about this.. *horrible~
i do really think against those pedophilias! hey, you destroy childrens' hopes, dreams and lives, anyway..
and another thought im concerning about is the cybersex crime! yep, like a posting of mine a month ago about my Y!M nickname which was Banana69 and i even didnt know how to change it, and then i joined Y!Chat.. you can guess the rest, that MANY people buzzed me and invited me to do so-called a cybersex! *WTF?!*
then i never want to join the chat anymore! haha~ *silly!*
see? even it is in the cyberworld.. the crime also happens! *as a matter of fact, i think that what ACTUALLY those people want to get?? a cybersex?? doing it with the screen?? or hands?? LOL!*
sorry if it's too vulgar, but IT IS THE FACT, guys~
peoples' minds has been poisoned by this three letters S-E-X and even makes them to DO IT WITH THE SCREEN (?) *lol, i swear i cant stop laughing*
and of course, it's a crime! not only like the guy who raped a little girl directly, but also which happened from your screen~ yikes!!
i even was really surprised when i heard a news about an Indonesian woman who was offended by two guys in a hotel WHEN SHE WAS IN HER HAJJ ACTIVITY.. i repeat it again: IN DOING HAJJ~
what the heck totally happened on those peoples' minds??
i dont know, i feel bored with my college life.. in this 7th semester, i feel that STUDYING IS HORRIBLY BORING~ -__-" i wanna GRADUATE soon!! *weeping*
i feel my life is tortured by ASSignments, papers, tasks which i even dont know when they stop torturing my brain.. *HUAHAHA~
you know what, this morning (12/13/2010) i came at 11.15AM to the campus, in fact i had a class at 10.40AM.. i woke up very late! of course, i decided not to come to the class although i had been there.. i was totally late anyway..
*but one thing i dont understand is: WHY DID I STILL COME TO THE CAMPUS IN FACT I KNOW THAT I'LL BE LATE??*
gee!! haha~ see? my brain is totally wrecked.. :(
so, i just spent my time at the lobby with some friends who didnt attend the class also.. hmmm, I HAD REALLY NO IDEA TO DO BUT CAME TO THE CAMPUS THEN AT 1PM I'D BE BACK TO MY BOARDING ROOM AGAIN..
silly!! stupid, i think.. *sigh*
i dont know, i feel soooo lazy recently.. there's nothing in my head but GRADUATE SOON! but i still miss the classes and dont want to my too-much-ASSignments.. (_ _") *god, help me out, please..*
okay! enough for the curcol, now i'd like to post my view about the sex offenders.. :D
after seeing my Home page of my Facebook then i saw also a friend liked a page of this Don't Allow Registered Sex Offenders on Facebook.. i've clicked it and joined the causes page..
hmm, the first time i saw the title i was too curious to know what the page about.. because i didnt really understand the meaning of this sex offenders.. literally means penyerang seks?? *weird!*
haha! then i clicked the page, joined it, read the page, then finally TA-DAA~ i got the point! *it took time to realize it, dasar lemot! lol*
the page contains people concerns about the DAMNED sex offenders who raped children and it was the worst ever, so the conviction was sentenced 25 years in jail~
hmm, pedophilia are many out there.. Indonesia contains less of them, but not now, i guess.. i've heard also some cases about this.. *horrible~
i do really think against those pedophilias! hey, you destroy childrens' hopes, dreams and lives, anyway..
and another thought im concerning about is the cybersex crime! yep, like a posting of mine a month ago about my Y!M nickname which was Banana69 and i even didnt know how to change it, and then i joined Y!Chat.. you can guess the rest, that MANY people buzzed me and invited me to do so-called a cybersex! *WTF?!*
then i never want to join the chat anymore! haha~ *silly!*
see? even it is in the cyberworld.. the crime also happens! *as a matter of fact, i think that what ACTUALLY those people want to get?? a cybersex?? doing it with the screen?? or hands?? LOL!*
sorry if it's too vulgar, but IT IS THE FACT, guys~
peoples' minds has been poisoned by this three letters S-E-X and even makes them to DO IT WITH THE SCREEN (?) *lol, i swear i cant stop laughing*
and of course, it's a crime! not only like the guy who raped a little girl directly, but also which happened from your screen~ yikes!!
i even was really surprised when i heard a news about an Indonesian woman who was offended by two guys in a hotel WHEN SHE WAS IN HER HAJJ ACTIVITY.. i repeat it again: IN DOING HAJJ~
what the heck totally happened on those peoples' minds??
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
Sunday, December 12, 2010
my lecturer's [damn] cool babblings!
tee-hee! really want to post these~ *although they ARENT totally mine.. :P*
in love so at his [damn] cool words.. :D
hey, Mister, may i post yours here? ;) *in Bahasa, okay? tee-hee!*
i know you are my literature lecturer.. no wonder you are great in the stuffs like this! ;)
*cited from Budi Hermawan's words*
in love so at his [damn] cool words.. :D
hey, Mister, may i post yours here? ;) *in Bahasa, okay? tee-hee!*
- Aku ingin lebur bersama udara pagi dan kabut di gunung2/ Jadi meski aku tak memilikimu/ Aku selalu mampu mengunjungimu (12/12/2010)
- Hujan setahun penuh/ Masih jejakmu utuh (12/09/2010)
- Aku merindumu; di lorong2 sepi; di dentingan sunyi; di harum parfum; di tiap halaman buku; di langit; di setiap bulir hujan; pada bintang2; di bisikan angin; di catatan zaman (12/07/2010)
- Malam.. Ajari mantra mendenyutkan rindu/ Seperti gelap yang selalu datang padamu (12/05/2010)
- Mari.. Sejenak kita menangis/ karena kita tak pernah mengerti perkara hati/ :Mengapa sengsara [masih] kita pinang?/ padahal bahagia dapat dengan mudah kita rayakan (12/02/2010)
i know you are my literature lecturer.. no wonder you are great in the stuffs like this! ;)
*cited from Budi Hermawan's words*
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
55 : 13, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77
Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?
*gak tau, suka aja ama yang ini.. daya magis kalimatnya KUAT banget.. iyalah, ayat Tuhan gitulooohh*
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
D on weekend..
'D on weekend' is one of the posters' titles which are showed at BIP, Bandung..
one of the most interesting ones, to me.. :D
yep! there are lots of creative, attractive, bizarre, unique, wonderful posters there.. in celebrating 200th anniversary of Bandung.. very unique event.. i love it so~
i went to BIP yesterday with some friends, and this Saturday night we were hanging out there [again!].. tee-hee!
and the poster entitled 'D on weekend' was really attracted me.. it was simple, just a big letter 'D' which consists of little 'B' letters to form the big 'D'..
can you imagine it?? i didnt take the pic of the poster, anyway.. hehe~ *taking our photographs is A MUST! but i'll post them later on here, lol*
yep! a very simple poster, but i like it so.. picturing how 'D' *as a license plate of Bandung* consists of little 'Bs' *as a license plate of Jakarta* on the weekend..
really brilliant idea!! haha~
yea, i mean, the creator *which i forgot the name, :D* was really brilliant in making such simple and meaningful poster about Bandung on the weekend, it is: FULL OF VEHICLES ON 'B' LICENSE PLATES which mean FULL OF JAKARTA PEOPLE here.. :D
amazing, uh? and the 'Bs' always make Bandung seems more crowded and in traffic! i hate the traffic jam~
then i faced it at this Saturday night.. haha~ *sigh!*
im sorry, no offence for the Jakartans.. :D
*if only there are some Jakartans who read this post, tee-hee!*
there are a lot more posters, very creative unique posters, at BIP.. picturing Bandung in the past and now.. many critiques that are told wisely and in peace through the posters..
no need to fight, make wars, and any brutal violence to deliver our critiques for the govt, anyway.. :D
aaahhh, great Saturday night! happy weekend, fellas.. :)
*although the traffic upset me violently*
'D on weekend' is one of the posters' titles which are showed at BIP, Bandung..
one of the most interesting ones, to me.. :D
yep! there are lots of creative, attractive, bizarre, unique, wonderful posters there.. in celebrating 200th anniversary of Bandung.. very unique event.. i love it so~
i went to BIP yesterday with some friends, and this Saturday night we were hanging out there [again!].. tee-hee!
and the poster entitled 'D on weekend' was really attracted me.. it was simple, just a big letter 'D' which consists of little 'B' letters to form the big 'D'..
can you imagine it?? i didnt take the pic of the poster, anyway.. hehe~ *taking our photographs is A MUST! but i'll post them later on here, lol*
yep! a very simple poster, but i like it so.. picturing how 'D' *as a license plate of Bandung* consists of little 'Bs' *as a license plate of Jakarta* on the weekend..
really brilliant idea!! haha~
yea, i mean, the creator *which i forgot the name, :D* was really brilliant in making such simple and meaningful poster about Bandung on the weekend, it is: FULL OF VEHICLES ON 'B' LICENSE PLATES which mean FULL OF JAKARTA PEOPLE here.. :D
amazing, uh? and the 'Bs' always make Bandung seems more crowded and in traffic! i hate the traffic jam~
then i faced it at this Saturday night.. haha~ *sigh!*
im sorry, no offence for the Jakartans.. :D
*if only there are some Jakartans who read this post, tee-hee!*
there are a lot more posters, very creative unique posters, at BIP.. picturing Bandung in the past and now.. many critiques that are told wisely and in peace through the posters..
no need to fight, make wars, and any brutal violence to deliver our critiques for the govt, anyway.. :D
aaahhh, great Saturday night! happy weekend, fellas.. :)
*although the traffic upset me violently*
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Netral-Di Pantai di Kala Rembulan
yep, Netral is one of my favorite bands since i was 14-15.. :D but Netral had been founded since 1992.. :)
the music is so cool~ the first alternative band in Indonesia, i think..
and Eno is the cutest drummer ever.. haha~
this Di Pantai di Kala Rembulan song is available on Putih album in 2005..
i love the lyrics.. make me imagine it is myself who is in the beach with the moon.. ehehehe~
really nice! :D
the music?? of course im dying in love with Netral!! >.<
the music is so cool~ the first alternative band in Indonesia, i think..
and Eno is the cutest drummer ever.. haha~
this Di Pantai di Kala Rembulan song is available on Putih album in 2005..
i love the lyrics.. make me imagine it is myself who is in the beach with the moon.. ehehehe~
really nice! :D
the music?? of course im dying in love with Netral!! >.<
hmm, holiday is coming closer, Kiddos! :Dberjalan di pinggir pantaiindah,
berdua bergandeng tangan
di bawah sinar purnama
memandangi bintang-bintang
diiringi deburan sang ombak
berpelukan bermesraan
di pantai dikala rembulan
dan malam pun semakin menua
betapa indah suasana
semoga pagi datangnya terlambat
trash can:
i heart these lyrics
taking photos and enjoying the night.. *halagh!
another girls' night out.. :P
just love it.. :)
hmmm, i bought also some Teenlit books.. *LOL* teenlit?!! for flashbacking into my junior high school time.. :) even im not a teenager anymore.. haha! the books may not suit my age, but my soul.. *LOL
thanks, sistas! :D
another girls' night out.. :P
just love it.. :)
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this badge always makes my friend goes NUTS! haha~ sorry, late to tell you, dear Pherrow.. ;) |
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xmas is in the air! yay~ i'll get holiday soon.. :D |
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me and echie.. tee-hee! walked around the bush! :P |
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me and kiki~ waiting for the xmas tree to catch! it was just too long to wait for the girls on that.. :( |
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hey, my dear Phe! u ENVY this.. LOL~ discounts were everywhere! wish u were there.. ;P |
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echie was trying the bag.. okay, it suited u well.. could u please put it again on the shelf before the security catches us? haha! |
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kiki also tried this? GOSH! kay, lets finish it quickly.. tee-hee! |
hmmm, i bought also some Teenlit books.. *LOL* teenlit?!! for flashbacking into my junior high school time.. :) even im not a teenager anymore.. haha! the books may not suit my age, but my soul.. *LOL
thanks, sistas! :D
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
Friday, December 10, 2010
hey, indonesia is rich, you know.. haha!
my country is rich.. in the sense of the plentiful of the RICH here.. :D
sounds ironic..
when the fact says that many the POOR suffers here..
and interestingly, there is another fact says another! i have been a witness of this.. for sure! *hoho~
yep! living in Bandung, as the capital city of West Java, which many ethnics in indonesia mingled around here, makes me realize that indonesian people are rich! :D
they do love shopping, they do love eating at fancy restaurants, they do love spending a lots of money for being fashionable, they do love making over their appearances, they do love hanging out with some friends, they do love anything related to spending a big amount of money..
wow! rich, isnt it? :D
yea, even some days ago when my friends and i went to Ciwalk *FYI, we didnt mean to spend a big amount of money here, just wanted to having fun releasing stressful feeling from the damn lectures, tee-hee!* and luckily a friend of mine brought a car.. we went to Ciwalk, it was on Saturday.. *yep! Saturday night.. having fun, not spending a lot of money.. it's different.. :D*
around at 4 PM we arrived there.. Ciwalk isnt really far from a place where i live here, but we spent almost 2 hours to get there.. terrible! traffic jam was everywhere, it was on weekend, anyway.. after arriving Ciwalk, we thought that the suffer of this trip would end here.. and it was NOT!! gosh~
we had to find a parking lot! and you know what? we spent almost an hour to get a place to park my friend's car.. GEE!! what the heck happened?? THE PARKING LOTS WERE FULL..
yep! i repeated it, it was FULL~ Ciwalk has 4-5 floors to park the visitors' cars.. and we almost spent an hour just to get a small place to park the car! and what does it mean?? too many cars in bandung!
and what does this mean?? too many rich people in here! *LOL
oh my god~
what made me feel ironic was when we were on the way home, there were many children acted as street musicians, beggars, the POOR..
my country is rich.. in the sense of the plentiful of the RICH here.. :D
sounds ironic..
when the fact says that many the POOR suffers here..
and interestingly, there is another fact says another! i have been a witness of this.. for sure! *hoho~
yep! living in Bandung, as the capital city of West Java, which many ethnics in indonesia mingled around here, makes me realize that indonesian people are rich! :D
they do love shopping, they do love eating at fancy restaurants, they do love spending a lots of money for being fashionable, they do love making over their appearances, they do love hanging out with some friends, they do love anything related to spending a big amount of money..
wow! rich, isnt it? :D
yea, even some days ago when my friends and i went to Ciwalk *FYI, we didnt mean to spend a big amount of money here, just wanted to having fun releasing stressful feeling from the damn lectures, tee-hee!* and luckily a friend of mine brought a car.. we went to Ciwalk, it was on Saturday.. *yep! Saturday night.. having fun, not spending a lot of money.. it's different.. :D*
around at 4 PM we arrived there.. Ciwalk isnt really far from a place where i live here, but we spent almost 2 hours to get there.. terrible! traffic jam was everywhere, it was on weekend, anyway.. after arriving Ciwalk, we thought that the suffer of this trip would end here.. and it was NOT!! gosh~
we had to find a parking lot! and you know what? we spent almost an hour to get a place to park my friend's car.. GEE!! what the heck happened?? THE PARKING LOTS WERE FULL..
yep! i repeated it, it was FULL~ Ciwalk has 4-5 floors to park the visitors' cars.. and we almost spent an hour just to get a small place to park the car! and what does it mean?? too many cars in bandung!
and what does this mean?? too many rich people in here! *LOL
oh my god~
what made me feel ironic was when we were on the way home, there were many children acted as street musicians, beggars, the POOR..
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
is this so??
ternyata dosen yang paling kuat
iya, ternyata dosen yang paling kuat
lihat saja mahasiswa
sekali marah
habislah itu kantor rektor dilempari
sekali ingin protes
habislah itu rektor yang dicari
sekali tidak setuju
habislah itu rektor yang dimintai pertanggungjawaban
lihat itu dosen
pemegang tahta tertinggi kekuasaan dunia perkuliahan
*siapa kiranya yang mengontrol nilai mahasiswa? sekali dapat E, mengulanglah kau tahun depan!
siapa kiranya yang membuat peraturan di kampus? harus pakai sepatu, karena dosen harus pakai sepatu..
harus pakai kemeja, karena dosen harus pakai kemeja..
tapi saat minum kopi di depan kelas, jangan harap mahasiswa boleh ikut2!!
lihat saja mahasiswa
sekali marah
habislah itu kantor rektor dilempari
sekali ingin protes
habislah itu rektor yang dicari
sekali tidak setuju
habislah itu rektor yang dimintai pertanggungjawaban
lihat itu dosen
pemegang tahta tertinggi kekuasaan dunia perkuliahan
*siapa kiranya yang mengontrol nilai mahasiswa? sekali dapat E, mengulanglah kau tahun depan!
siapa kiranya yang membuat peraturan di kampus? harus pakai sepatu, karena dosen harus pakai sepatu..
harus pakai kemeja, karena dosen harus pakai kemeja..
tapi saat minum kopi di depan kelas, jangan harap mahasiswa boleh ikut2!!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Garuda di Dadaku
haha~ *hmm, i've just realized that this 'haha~' has been being my fave openig word* :D
ahhh~ finally, im back!! after almost 12 hours my internet connection was on the MOST TERRIBLY terrible condition.. you know, Folks, the speed was ONLY 2kbps! *laughing at me is allowed*
what a bummer! -__-"" yea, i should admit that i USED another provider and it was terrible, HORRIBLE! haha~ i had no money at that time to continue my subscription for the provider i usually use and it hardly ever disappointed me.. :D
but not now~ im back with the provider i TRUST! >.</
kay, i think it's enough to do some curcol here.. :P
as the title of my posting now is caused by the AFF champion is in the aiiiiirrr~
and Indonesia (with Malaysia) from Group A are qualified to compete in semifinal! woo-hoo, a semifinal.. :D
i dont know, but i think Indonesia is IN ITS great achievement.. PSSI (Indonesian Football Club) is in its GREAT achievement now! :D
hmmm, im not a soccer-freak and know all about soccer.. im not like you, boys, who know a lot about this stuff.. but at least i know that PSSI almost never perform its good performance, but now in AFF Cup 2010! tee-hee!! i was quite surprised when Indonesia could beat Malaysia and Laos and finally Thailand and the most finally is INDONESIA is in semifinal~ :D
and the lyrics of Garuda di Dadaku performed by Netral is the representation of Indonesia now..
i watched the film *Garuda di Dadaku* when it first came to the theater, and i also have heard the soundtrack *Garuda di Dadaku* since the time also..
you know what? i almost COULDNT believe that the lyrics would come true even someday..
and, in fact, i was totally WRONG! haha~
Indonesia, at least, won the games in Group A of AFF Cup 2010.. :D
and it is a great achievement, isnt it? tee-hee!
ahh~ salute to Bagus, Coki, and Eno *kyyyaaaaaayyy~ Eno is the cutest drummer ever!! Travis Baker wanna-be, hehe* for the lyrics and a song they've made.. :)
ahhh~ finally, im back!! after almost 12 hours my internet connection was on the MOST TERRIBLY terrible condition.. you know, Folks, the speed was ONLY 2kbps! *laughing at me is allowed*
what a bummer! -__-"" yea, i should admit that i USED another provider and it was terrible, HORRIBLE! haha~ i had no money at that time to continue my subscription for the provider i usually use and it hardly ever disappointed me.. :D
but not now~ im back with the provider i TRUST! >.</
kay, i think it's enough to do some curcol here.. :P
as the title of my posting now is caused by the AFF champion is in the aiiiiirrr~
and Indonesia (with Malaysia) from Group A are qualified to compete in semifinal! woo-hoo, a semifinal.. :D
i dont know, but i think Indonesia is IN ITS great achievement.. PSSI (Indonesian Football Club) is in its GREAT achievement now! :D
hmmm, im not a soccer-freak and know all about soccer.. im not like you, boys, who know a lot about this stuff.. but at least i know that PSSI almost never perform its good performance, but now in AFF Cup 2010! tee-hee!! i was quite surprised when Indonesia could beat Malaysia and Laos and finally Thailand and the most finally is INDONESIA is in semifinal~ :D
and the lyrics of Garuda di Dadaku performed by Netral is the representation of Indonesia now..
i watched the film *Garuda di Dadaku* when it first came to the theater, and i also have heard the soundtrack *Garuda di Dadaku* since the time also..
you know what? i almost COULDNT believe that the lyrics would come true even someday..
and, in fact, i was totally WRONG! haha~
Indonesia, at least, won the games in Group A of AFF Cup 2010.. :D
and it is a great achievement, isnt it? tee-hee!
ahh~ salute to Bagus, Coki, and Eno *kyyyaaaaaayyy~ Eno is the cutest drummer ever!! Travis Baker wanna-be, hehe* for the lyrics and a song they've made.. :)
Ayo putra bangsa, harumkan negeri ini Jadikan kita bangga, Indonesia Tunjukkan dunia, bahwa ibu pertiwi, pantas jadi juara Indonesia Jayalah negaraku tanah air tercinta indonesia raya Jayalah negaraku tanah air tercinta indonesia raya Garuda di dadaku, garuda kebanggaanku Kuyakin hari ini pasti menang Kobarkan semangatmu, tunjukkan sportivitasmu, Kuyakin hari ini pasti menang
yea, i believe it also!!
at least, a ticket to FINAL, Guys~ :DD
trash can:
i heart these lyrics,
im a dork
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
belum mau dikasih judul
aku mau membeli satu jam waktu bersamamu
dengan segala yang aku punya
sayang, aku tak punya apa2
hanya kau!
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan sejejak angin laut yang berhembus dari selatan ke utara
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan satu, dua, tiga daratan yang tak pernah aku datangi itu
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan zona waktu berjarak satu jam yang terasa jauh itu
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan oleh takdir
dan ternyata,
kita memang
satu jam waktumu, mau aku beli dengan segala ketidakpunyaanku..
*diiringi Greenday-Last Night on Earth
dengan segala yang aku punya
sayang, aku tak punya apa2
hanya kau!
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan sejejak angin laut yang berhembus dari selatan ke utara
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan satu, dua, tiga daratan yang tak pernah aku datangi itu
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan zona waktu berjarak satu jam yang terasa jauh itu
aku pikir kita hanya dipisahkan oleh takdir
dan ternyata,
kita memang
satu jam waktumu, mau aku beli dengan segala ketidakpunyaanku..
*diiringi Greenday-Last Night on Earth
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Gie's Words.. :)
i've watched Gie just now.. tee-hee! :) and Nicholas Saputra is so damn charming! *lol
a film when i was on senior high school.. and i love it.. im not an idealist, of course.. im a movie-flick.. :D
the setting is really impressed me.. Indonesia in 1950s-1960s, Riri Reza made it 'so real'! :D the antique cars are everywhere.. the old buildings and the clothes! woo-hoo! COOL~
i never understand and know much about politics, actually *urrggh~ even it makes me want to vomit! haha* frankly, watching this film seems watching the flashback of Indonesia and all histories related to my country.. :D
moreover, i love the soundtracks! they're cool~ *tee-hee!
here are some words i love from the scenes *in Bahasa, of course.. :P*
a film when i was on senior high school.. and i love it.. im not an idealist, of course.. im a movie-flick.. :D
the setting is really impressed me.. Indonesia in 1950s-1960s, Riri Reza made it 'so real'! :D the antique cars are everywhere.. the old buildings and the clothes! woo-hoo! COOL~
i never understand and know much about politics, actually *urrggh~ even it makes me want to vomit! haha* frankly, watching this film seems watching the flashback of Indonesia and all histories related to my country.. :D
moreover, i love the soundtracks! they're cool~ *tee-hee!
here are some words i love from the scenes *in Bahasa, of course.. :P*
- Kita nggak mungkin hidup bebas begini kalau bukan karena melawan
- Guru yang tak tahan kritik boleh masuk keranjang sampah, karena guru bukan dewa yang selalu benar dan murid bukan kerbau
- Kita, generasi baru, ditugaskan untuk memberantas generasi tua yang mengacau.. Kitalah generasi yang akan memakmurkan Indonesia
- Aku bersamamu, orang-oarang malang!
- Cuma pada kebenaran kita bisa berharap.. Kebenaran cuma ada di langit, dan dunia hanyalah palsu, palsu..
- Suatu dasar yang kuat memang tidak akan pernah dikalahkan dengan kebudayaan barat
- Hidup adalah penderitaan, kata Buddha, dan manusia tidak akan bebas daripadanya
- Happy is the people without history dan sejarawan adalah orang yang mengalami hidup yang lebih berat
- Bagiku sendiri politik adalah barang yang paling kotor, lumpur-lumpur yang kotor
- Kita isi aja kegiatan senat dengan kegiatan yang kita suka: musik, nonton film, naik gunung.. tapi sekali-sekali kita hantam pemerintah, tentunya
- Kalau kita hanya menunggu, menerima nasib, kita tidak akan pernah tahu kesempatan apa yang sebenarnya kita miliki dalam hidup ini
- Kita tidak boleh menerima nasib buruk dan menganggapnya sebagai jalan hidup yang telah ditentukan bagi kita
- Kalau kita ingin hidup bebas, kita harus belajar untuk terbang
- Aku tak mau jadi pohon bambu, aku mau jadi pohon oak yang berani menentang angin
- Nama saya Soe Hok Gie, boleh panggil saya Soe atau Gie, tapi jangan panggil saya Pak!
- Lebih baik saya diasingkan daripada menyerah dalam kemunafikan
- Menulis pun rasanya capek luar biasa, atau mungkin saya sedang muak? dan tidak punya inspirasi?
- Kita begitu berbeda dalam semua, kecuali dalam cinta
haha~ overall, i love the movie.. :)
the last poem Gie wrote to Ira is the best part! hmm, i'll post it here later.. >.</
woo-hoo! semifinal is in the air~ :D
woo-hoo! semifinal is in the air~ :D
trash can:
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
Monday, December 6, 2010
happy islamic new year, Folks! :)
and today is New Year's day for Muslims.. :)
hmm, a new year means a new spirit, a new dream, a new hope and new DAYS.. :D
forget all the pains, hurts, fails and anything bad happened last year..
start the new brand days from now on..
hope Allah blesses us, always.. :)
semoga sisa usia yang ada bisa menjadi sisa usia yang bisa kita manfaatkan sebaik2nya.. :)
hmm, a new year means a new spirit, a new dream, a new hope and new DAYS.. :D
forget all the pains, hurts, fails and anything bad happened last year..
start the new brand days from now on..
hope Allah blesses us, always.. :)
semoga sisa usia yang ada bisa menjadi sisa usia yang bisa kita manfaatkan sebaik2nya.. :)
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
slank-terlalu manis
i dont know, it must be caused by 'i-am-feeling-blue-now' syndrome.. :(
then i want to post these lyrics.. tee-hee!
but, this Slank lyrics are something i hate! ~_~ *it breaks your heart anytime you hear it* HA-HA! ah, c'mon L, too much being melancholy.. :D *reinforce myself*
then i want to post these lyrics.. tee-hee!
but, this Slank lyrics are something i hate! ~_~ *it breaks your heart anytime you hear it* HA-HA! ah, c'mon L, too much being melancholy.. :D *reinforce myself*
kuambil gitar dan mulai memainkan
lagu lama yang biasa kita nyanyikan
tapi tak sepatah kata yang bisa terucap
hanya ingatan yang ada di kepala
hari berganti angin tetap berhembus
cuaca berubah daun-daun tetap tumbuh
kata hatikupun tak pernah berubah
berjalan dengan apa adanya
di malam yang dingin dan gelap sepi
benakku melayang pada kisah kita
terlalu manis untuk dilupakan
kenangan yang indah bersamamu tinggalah mimpi
terlalu manis untuk dilupakan
kalau memang kita tak saling cinta takkan terjadi
diantara kita
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
i heart these lyrics
Sunday, December 5, 2010
who is Baba Ali? ah, LOVE him so.. :D
it's been three weeks since i've kept downloading Baba Ali's videos.. *i should select them, of course.. which videos i want to download.. although i want them all, actually! haha*
hmm, do you know, Folks, who Baba Ali is? has anyone known him before me? tee-hee! kay, i'll give you a brief description about him here.. :)
Baba Ali is the founder of UmmahFilms.. a Muslim film company which has produced some videos to be enjoyed by Muslims around the globe.. he himself who becomes the actor.. i mean, who faces the camera and go! :D he tries to make some videos from random questions sent to him through his AskBabaAli.com every Friday.. he was an irreligious.. he is an Iranian and was born with Ali Ardekani as his real name.. he raised in a secular Iranian family in America.. finally became a truly Muslim when he was 20.. :)
the videos are totally SILLY and FUNNY! even he has been considered also as a comedian, in fact he isnt.. ahh, i also REALLY IN LOVE with him!! xD
i always try to download and collect his past videos and always laugh at him.. ooppss, it doesnt mean that he deserves to be laughed at.. *tee-hee!* his expressions, his way in answering and giving some solutions, and his way of speaking American English, MAKE ME in love DIRECTLY first time i saw him.. LOL
he's just kinda funny guy, and his humor-sense is really tasteful.. :P moreover, HE'S REALLY CUTE!! *aaaarrrkk~ >.</
hmmm, wanna see him? here i bring him to you through his video.. *this is my fave one than the others i have, and i'll still try to download others.. wanna download it also? just browse them on youtube, Folks! :D*
darn! i just cant upload the video here.. my connection was really bad.. you know what? i've been waiting for an hour and it didnt work~ HA-HA! *sigh*
i'll give you the link of my fave one on Baba Ali's video so you can join the video *which i couldnt share it here :(*
P.S: he speaks in English, HELL YEAH!! hehe.. just listen to him, and you'll realize that English is fun! :D
*berbicara seolah-olah udah jago Inggrisnya.. hehe*
hmm, do you know, Folks, who Baba Ali is? has anyone known him before me? tee-hee! kay, i'll give you a brief description about him here.. :)
Baba Ali is the founder of UmmahFilms.. a Muslim film company which has produced some videos to be enjoyed by Muslims around the globe.. he himself who becomes the actor.. i mean, who faces the camera and go! :D he tries to make some videos from random questions sent to him through his AskBabaAli.com every Friday.. he was an irreligious.. he is an Iranian and was born with Ali Ardekani as his real name.. he raised in a secular Iranian family in America.. finally became a truly Muslim when he was 20.. :)
the videos are totally SILLY and FUNNY! even he has been considered also as a comedian, in fact he isnt.. ahh, i also REALLY IN LOVE with him!! xD
i always try to download and collect his past videos and always laugh at him.. ooppss, it doesnt mean that he deserves to be laughed at.. *tee-hee!* his expressions, his way in answering and giving some solutions, and his way of speaking American English, MAKE ME in love DIRECTLY first time i saw him.. LOL
he's just kinda funny guy, and his humor-sense is really tasteful.. :P moreover, HE'S REALLY CUTE!! *aaaarrrkk~ >.</
hmmm, wanna see him? here i bring him to you through his video.. *this is my fave one than the others i have, and i'll still try to download others.. wanna download it also? just browse them on youtube, Folks! :D*
i'll give you the link of my fave one on Baba Ali's video so you can join the video *which i couldnt share it here :(*
here's the link!
P.S: he speaks in English, HELL YEAH!! hehe.. just listen to him, and you'll realize that English is fun! :D
*berbicara seolah-olah udah jago Inggrisnya.. hehe*
a reminder for the better Earth.. :)
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frankly, i am a too-loyal plastic bags user.. and i feel terrible! *idiot is more appropriate* because i seldom reuse them.. *guilty feeling*
i just cant resist using them.. you know, plastic bags are like kinda a-must-stuff for tenant students, like me.. students who have to continue their study outta their hometowns..
using those kinda plastic bags are normal for us *i use US because im not alone who do it, right? -trying to find friends, HA-HA!*
frequently, i use those plastic bags when there is a shopkeeper who FORCES me to receive them because i buy some foods there..
in a simpler term: I AM A PLASTIC-BAGS COLLECTOR! *sigh*
yea, can you imagine it? as a tenant student who lives far far away -not really far, actually- from my family, i depend on small food-stall (read: warteg) to keep staying alive! *ow oww~ too hyperbole*
but it's true! and everytime i go there, i'll buy those foods and pack them out to be eaten at my boarding house.. it means THE MORE I EAT, THE MORE I COLLECT PLASTIC BAGS.. -bummer! -__-"
and this is one of the biggest sectors which keep making me collect more and more plastic bags.. gees! should i stop eating? haha~ *ironic in some way*
hmmm, i have to stop using them now.. at least, i have to REUSE them after using those stuffs.. like selecting the clean plastic bags, keeping them away from the trash bin *so we cant throw them away, because my bin is already full of plastics.. -bummer!* and finally reusing them anytime we need! :)
sounds easy, but it's not! because the impact is I HAVE MANY CLEAN PLASTIC BAGS WHICH ARENT USED YET and they're A LOT in here~
hey, is there anyone out there who wants to accept my plastic bags and reuse them??
*mencoba untuk melakukan hal baik untuk Bumi, tapi ternyata berakhir payah*
IMPORTANT: keep trying to minimize the use of plastic bags, okay, Folks? :) because it takes 1000 years for plastic bags *mostly made from polyethylene* to break down..
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
is this so??
Saturday, December 4, 2010
you are cute, sorry I HATE YOU!! x(
damn!! yea, damn!! you know what? this Saturday night i went out for dinner with some friends and we chose a new cafe near our boarding house named, errr.. i forgot the name! :D the point is the cafe sells Sushi and Steak..
i should underline the word SUSHI.. this kinda unique well-known Japanese food attracted us to come.. the place is really cool, cozy, and looks fancy.. you know another word for EXPENSIVE.. tee-hee!
actually we havent planned it before that we would visit it, i dont know the word SUSHI forced us to come.. moreover the pics are cute and tempting, for sure!! we were being hypnotized by the SUSHI.. even we hadnt considered about the price first!! haha~
at last, we came to the cafe and a waitress in red approached us with the menu.. here it goes, the menu! haha~ and of course the prices are fancy also.. luckily, we found the cheap ones.. :D *i was so happy at that time* >.</
hmmm, sushi has fancy prices.. and those cheap ones menu are beef teriyaki sauce or chicken teriyaki sauce.. chose those ones, of course! haha! and finally, waiting is another stuff we had to overcome.. darn! it took a very long time to make our beef teriyaki cooked well.. *i was really hungry, dude!! huhu*
fortunately, the beef was GREAT! yea, the taste was really yum-yum and suitable for my tongue.. :D we enjoyed the beef and the sauce and the drink.. then afterall, i dont know where the idea actually came across my mind that WE SHOULD TRY THE SUSHI, GUYS~ *said me to my friends*
and UNFORTUNATELY, they agreed.. we chose, errr.. HA-HA! again, i dont remember the name.. :D the point was the sushi contained salmon, cucumber and the nori.. sushi used rare fish fillet, normally.. we asked the waitress to bring us the WELL-DONE ONES.. we wanted to pack them and eat them in our boarding house..
and after waiting for some time, we paid the bill *and dont ask how much we spent those foods! tee-hee!*
going home smilingly, happy to try the sushi.. yea, one of weird foods we HAVENT EVER EATEN IT YET.. :D hoho~ we were that happy wanted to try it!! >.</
and the look was like this:
haha~ the look was very cute and tempting to try.. as we came home, we took some plates to eat those delicious-look foods! the first gourmet was me.. *as if i was a person who knew a lot about great food, haha!* and guess what?? the salmon WAS RARE!! the wasabi WAS YUCK!! the shoyu-wasabi mixed WAS TERRIBLE!! and ALL THE COMBINATION burnt my tongue and i felt dizzy and i wanted to vomit all at once~ T^T
it was terrible!! my friends wanted to cry and sworn not to eat them again for the rest of their lives.. HA-HA! i even still remember our expressions when firstly tried the SUSHI: they were terribly UGLY!! *lol*
you are cute, shusi.. sorry, I HATE YOU TOO MUCH!! x(
*lidahnya kampungan kali yak? soalnya liat orang2 laen yang makan, pada tenang2 aja tuh.. (_ _")*
oia lagi, IRFAN BACHDIM cuuuuutttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! >.</ *INA 6 - 0 LAOS, great job!
damn!! yea, damn!! you know what? this Saturday night i went out for dinner with some friends and we chose a new cafe near our boarding house named, errr.. i forgot the name! :D the point is the cafe sells Sushi and Steak..
i should underline the word SUSHI.. this kinda unique well-known Japanese food attracted us to come.. the place is really cool, cozy, and looks fancy.. you know another word for EXPENSIVE.. tee-hee!
actually we havent planned it before that we would visit it, i dont know the word SUSHI forced us to come.. moreover the pics are cute and tempting, for sure!! we were being hypnotized by the SUSHI.. even we hadnt considered about the price first!! haha~
at last, we came to the cafe and a waitress in red approached us with the menu.. here it goes, the menu! haha~ and of course the prices are fancy also.. luckily, we found the cheap ones.. :D *i was so happy at that time* >.</
hmmm, sushi has fancy prices.. and those cheap ones menu are beef teriyaki sauce or chicken teriyaki sauce.. chose those ones, of course! haha! and finally, waiting is another stuff we had to overcome.. darn! it took a very long time to make our beef teriyaki cooked well.. *i was really hungry, dude!! huhu*
fortunately, the beef was GREAT! yea, the taste was really yum-yum and suitable for my tongue.. :D we enjoyed the beef and the sauce and the drink.. then afterall, i dont know where the idea actually came across my mind that WE SHOULD TRY THE SUSHI, GUYS~ *said me to my friends*
and UNFORTUNATELY, they agreed.. we chose, errr.. HA-HA! again, i dont remember the name.. :D the point was the sushi contained salmon, cucumber and the nori.. sushi used rare fish fillet, normally.. we asked the waitress to bring us the WELL-DONE ONES.. we wanted to pack them and eat them in our boarding house..
and after waiting for some time, we paid the bill *and dont ask how much we spent those foods! tee-hee!*
going home smilingly, happy to try the sushi.. yea, one of weird foods we HAVENT EVER EATEN IT YET.. :D hoho~ we were that happy wanted to try it!! >.</
and the look was like this:
![]() | ||
the sushi! looks cute, uh? =,= |
it was terrible!! my friends wanted to cry and sworn not to eat them again for the rest of their lives.. HA-HA! i even still remember our expressions when firstly tried the SUSHI: they were terribly UGLY!! *lol*
you are cute, shusi.. sorry, I HATE YOU TOO MUCH!! x(
*lidahnya kampungan kali yak? soalnya liat orang2 laen yang makan, pada tenang2 aja tuh.. (_ _")*
oia lagi, IRFAN BACHDIM cuuuuutttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! >.</ *INA 6 - 0 LAOS, great job!
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
Kaiser Chiefs-Ruby
i just love kinda music like this recently.. :)
for those who dont know Kaiser Chiefs, i'll tell you a bit about the band here.. i dont know much about the band also.. tee-hee!
Kaiser Chiefs is firstly appeared as kinda Indie Rock band from England *hmmm, the Brits! :D* most of Indie DO music in a unique way! that's why i love the band~
and Ruby is the first single i've heard in 2007 from their album Yours Truly, Angry Mob.. actually the band has been founding since 2003.. :D *very late to know about the band! hehe*
listening on Kaiser Chiefs *to me* sounds like listening to The Killers.. *or they're differently different? HA-HA!*
here's the lyrics:
i just love kinda music like this recently.. :)
for those who dont know Kaiser Chiefs, i'll tell you a bit about the band here.. i dont know much about the band also.. tee-hee!
Kaiser Chiefs is firstly appeared as kinda Indie Rock band from England *hmmm, the Brits! :D* most of Indie DO music in a unique way! that's why i love the band~
and Ruby is the first single i've heard in 2007 from their album Yours Truly, Angry Mob.. actually the band has been founding since 2003.. :D *very late to know about the band! hehe*
listening on Kaiser Chiefs *to me* sounds like listening to The Killers.. *or they're differently different? HA-HA!*
here's the lyrics:
Let it never be said
The Romance is dead
'Cause there's so little else
Occupying my head
There is nothing I need
except the function to breathe
But I'm not really fussed
Doesn't matter to me
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Know what you're doing, doing, to me
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Due to lack of interest
Tomorrow is canceled
Let the clocks be reset
And the pendulums held
'Cause there's nothing at all
Except the space in-between
Finding out what you're called
And repeating your name
Could it be, could it be
That you're joking with me?
And you don't really see you and me
hehe! try to listen to it, World's organisms *unless you HAVE KNOWN it before, HA-HA!*
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Know what you're doing, doing, to me
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
Do you, do you, do you, do you
Know what you're doing, doing, to me
trash can:
i heart these lyrics
Friday, December 3, 2010
obsesi cantik! *sumphe, loooo?*
![]() |
Wang Bei, 24 tahun, status: meninggal di meja operasi |
sebenernya sih aku udah tau ya kalo berita tentang 'obsesi cantik' di China tuh emang udah masuk taraf PARAH.. taon lalu aku pernah liat tayangannya di salah satu stasiun tipi swasta Indon tentang hal ini.. yang ngungkapin secara buka2an gimana addictive-nya cewe2 di China sama yang namanya pengen punya mata besar dan berkelopak, pengen punya badan yang tinggi, pengen punya idung maju ke depan alias mancung, pengen punya kulit tanpa kerut! HUOHOHOHO~
sumpah deh, serem juga liatnya.. masa yaaaa mereka rela gitu dong buat ngejalanin operasi penambahan panjang tulang di kaki! mending kalo operasi dan mesti tinggal di rumah sakitnya itu cuman sebulan dua bulan, lah ini mah TUJUH TAHUN! darn it! is there in the world anyone who wants to spend their seven years in a hospital, cant walk well, cant go anywhere, for increasing the height only??MORONS do it!! SURELY..
iyalah, emangnya masih bisa jamin dalam kurun waktu tujuh tahun itu kita masih hidup buat bisa nikmatin 'kaki baru' kita? terus gimana kalo tau2 malah mati di meja operasi berkala itu? it's crazy!! haha~ apalagi nggak bisa ngapa2in, keliatan banget tu cewe yang jadi pasien kesakitan gitu.. dan dia emang bilang gitu.. to be beautiful means hurt yourself?? silly idea!
ini nih linknya tentang cewe yang obsesi jadi cakep, or at least to keep maintaining her 'fake' beauty because she did the 'make-over-operation' before, dan akhirnya berakhir tragis di meja operasi gara2 dokter bedahnya 'nggak sengaja' nusuk pembuluh darah di mukanya.. *hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyy!! seraaaaaaaaaamm~ >.<*
angka2 fantastis tentang operasi kosmetik di China tiap tahunnya bisa terus meningkat sampe 20% tiap tahun! bayangin dong, sekian milyar DOLLAR AMRIK dibuang2 cewe2 China buat make over alias permak muka dan badan.. dan hal ini BUKAN HAL YANG ANEH LAGI di sana buat 'jadi cantik melalui operasi demi terlihat cantik walo mereka tahu kalo itu semua hoax, fake alias palsu'.. it's normal there.. bahkan cowo2nya juga melakukan hal yang sama koq..
gosh~ haha! aneh2 aja deh.. tapi this is the fact! and we cant close our eyes and pretend not to know about it..
ya Tuhan, berarti selama ini kalo ada cewe2 ma cowo2 cakep di China fake semua dong? -___-"
trash can:
im a dork,
is this so??,
lagi stres
hi, i am Lintang. and i am an interpreter.. HAHA!
after about a month ago, i posted this posting and shared my experience as a [terrible] tourist guide *LOL*, here i come with a new posting about me who became an interpreter.. HA-HA! :D
yesterday was my Critiquing and Interpreting Literary Works course and there was a foreigner *call it bule*, i forgot his Australian name, but the Indonesian: it is Hatta.. *gees! Bung Hatta~*
he was a quite fat, tall, glasses guy.. he was really nice.. and he has been learning Bahasa Indonesia for two years.. his Bahasa is great! and the dialect is, still, bule dialect.. i tell you, like Cinta Laura's.. but his better.. *LOL*
then, the lecturer wanted us to pretend to be his interpreter, i mean to be Hatta's interpreter.. hehe~
as usual, my lecturer wanted us to be a volunteer to be an interpreter.. and as usual also, there was no one raised her/his hand voluntarily! haha~
yea, that are Indonesians.. lack of confidence.. :P
or being so humble? and dont want to show their skills off? ah, THAT'S ME! *HA-HA! funny, L*
eventually, the lecturer should point out the student.. her magic finger couldnt make us refuse it! and luckily, *for my friend*, she had been pointed out and had to perform her skill in front of the class.. haha~
it was kinda funny.. because a friend of mine was nervous, surely! yea, it was!! can you imagine it?? standing in front of the class, and pretending to be an interpreter of a foreigner *the REAL one, hehe*, it would make your legs shaking! :D
she could pass it and we laughed a lot looking at her facial expressions.. and after she finished, the lecturer wanted her to use her magic finger to point out a boy.. A BOY!!
and guess what did she do? she POINTED OUT ME! yea, me.. =,=
damn! haha~ hey, do i look like a boy??? *mirroring myself*
i, at first, refused it.. and said to the lecturer that i WASNT a boy.. but she said it was okay.. OH-OH! did you mean it was okay whether all of my friends in the class considered me as A BOY??! *sigh*
then, finally, I WAS THERE.. *in front of the class, standing beside Hatta, to be watched by everyone attended the class, and TREMBLING! haha~
and i am really happy, anyway~
because I TALK TO A FOREIGNER! haha, my obsession always.. :D
so far, my interpretation from English to Bahasa Indonesia was good.. *the lecturer SAID that! xD*
and Hatta DID! haha~
i realized also that it was not that EASY, of course!, to be an interpreter.. at least, you have to own a brain with A GOOD PROCESSOR! gyahahahahah~
fortunately, i dont have it, but my English is GOOD! *LOL
yesterday was my Critiquing and Interpreting Literary Works course and there was a foreigner *call it bule*, i forgot his Australian name, but the Indonesian: it is Hatta.. *gees! Bung Hatta~*
he was a quite fat, tall, glasses guy.. he was really nice.. and he has been learning Bahasa Indonesia for two years.. his Bahasa is great! and the dialect is, still, bule dialect.. i tell you, like Cinta Laura's.. but his better.. *LOL*
then, the lecturer wanted us to pretend to be his interpreter, i mean to be Hatta's interpreter.. hehe~
as usual, my lecturer wanted us to be a volunteer to be an interpreter.. and as usual also, there was no one raised her/his hand voluntarily! haha~
yea, that are Indonesians.. lack of confidence.. :P
or being so humble? and dont want to show their skills off? ah, THAT'S ME! *HA-HA! funny, L*
eventually, the lecturer should point out the student.. her magic finger couldnt make us refuse it! and luckily, *for my friend*, she had been pointed out and had to perform her skill in front of the class.. haha~
it was kinda funny.. because a friend of mine was nervous, surely! yea, it was!! can you imagine it?? standing in front of the class, and pretending to be an interpreter of a foreigner *the REAL one, hehe*, it would make your legs shaking! :D
she could pass it and we laughed a lot looking at her facial expressions.. and after she finished, the lecturer wanted her to use her magic finger to point out a boy.. A BOY!!
and guess what did she do? she POINTED OUT ME! yea, me.. =,=
damn! haha~ hey, do i look like a boy??? *mirroring myself*
i, at first, refused it.. and said to the lecturer that i WASNT a boy.. but she said it was okay.. OH-OH! did you mean it was okay whether all of my friends in the class considered me as A BOY??! *sigh*
then, finally, I WAS THERE.. *in front of the class, standing beside Hatta, to be watched by everyone attended the class, and TREMBLING! haha~
and i am really happy, anyway~
because I TALK TO A FOREIGNER! haha, my obsession always.. :D
so far, my interpretation from English to Bahasa Indonesia was good.. *the lecturer SAID that! xD*
and Hatta DID! haha~
i realized also that it was not that EASY, of course!, to be an interpreter.. at least, you have to own a brain with A GOOD PROCESSOR! gyahahahahah~
fortunately, i dont have it, but my English is GOOD! *LOL
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork
Thursday, December 2, 2010
indonesian horror movies?? it's a Y-U-C-K!! *will u replace the Y with F?* haha!
im indonesian, but it's a BIG NO-NO to watch indonesian horror movies!!
urrrggghh~ kinda wasting your time and money all at once *i'll BURN the free ticket, anyhow! if i get any* haha~
i dont know, i just HATE them.. that's it..
hmm, yea, it's not that simple, actually..
firstly, i HATE anything related to ghosts.. and it HORROR does! im a coward, you name it.. but the ghosts STINK in indonesian horror movies.. gyahahah~
yea, how can they appear and look so terrible?? wearing all the same costumes and make-up =,= *i dont want to describe them here! im a coward, lol*
secondly, i HATE the stories.. i like thriller movies, but not HORROR! gosh~
how can the actor and friends go to somewhere, normally to a place where there is forest, and the car engines suddenly stop running, and always late at night? *this scene always exists, i guess! i dont know exactly, because i NEVER want to watch them, haha!* and the scenes are terribly TERRIBLE.. =..=
thirdly, i LOATH the titles!! *FYI, loath=the massive feeling of hate, haha!*
yea, the titles STINK! *and it's unnecessary to mention them one by one here, im afraid you want to google them out, lol* the point is: the titles ALWAYS make me laugh.. *ironically*
fourthly, HORROR=PORNOGRAPHY.. that's the reality! even the stories contain lack of ghosts and MUCH 21+ scenes! *eh? i mean, porn scenes! make it obvious, kay?*
and it always a girl who becomes the role *which i consider as the 'victim'* yea, the girls who show their bodies off for those MORONS who watch the films..
GEES! it's totally 100% SAME AS legalizing porn shows in public areas.. and what makes me wonder is how could those films passed the censorship, very often?? the fact is LOTS OF PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS WANT TO BAN SUCH FILMS.. and so do the FILM PRODUCERS who still want to produce them..
kinda an irony~
cartoons and animated ones are better!!
im indonesian, but it's a BIG NO-NO to watch indonesian horror movies!!
urrrggghh~ kinda wasting your time and money all at once *i'll BURN the free ticket, anyhow! if i get any* haha~
i dont know, i just HATE them.. that's it..
hmm, yea, it's not that simple, actually..
firstly, i HATE anything related to ghosts.. and it HORROR does! im a coward, you name it.. but the ghosts STINK in indonesian horror movies.. gyahahah~
yea, how can they appear and look so terrible?? wearing all the same costumes and make-up =,= *i dont want to describe them here! im a coward, lol*
secondly, i HATE the stories.. i like thriller movies, but not HORROR! gosh~
how can the actor and friends go to somewhere, normally to a place where there is forest, and the car engines suddenly stop running, and always late at night? *this scene always exists, i guess! i dont know exactly, because i NEVER want to watch them, haha!* and the scenes are terribly TERRIBLE.. =..=
thirdly, i LOATH the titles!! *FYI, loath=the massive feeling of hate, haha!*
yea, the titles STINK! *and it's unnecessary to mention them one by one here, im afraid you want to google them out, lol* the point is: the titles ALWAYS make me laugh.. *ironically*
fourthly, HORROR=PORNOGRAPHY.. that's the reality! even the stories contain lack of ghosts and MUCH 21+ scenes! *eh? i mean, porn scenes! make it obvious, kay?*
and it always a girl who becomes the role *which i consider as the 'victim'* yea, the girls who show their bodies off for those MORONS who watch the films..
GEES! it's totally 100% SAME AS legalizing porn shows in public areas.. and what makes me wonder is how could those films passed the censorship, very often?? the fact is LOTS OF PEOPLE WHO ALWAYS WANT TO BAN SUCH FILMS.. and so do the FILM PRODUCERS who still want to produce them..
kinda an irony~
cartoons and animated ones are better!!
trash can:
is this so??
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
i've left my brain somewhere.. -bummer! =,=
bummer! (_ _")
laziness is the worst enemy of students, it is MOST LOVED, however~
haha! yea, and i've been drunk on it.. *laziness, i mean.. +.+
being lazy is addictive! trust me~
im the victim! *a victim?! you yourself makes it love you* haha~
yea, im kinda lazy in, especially frequently, doing my ASSignments from my lecturers *although the lecturers has threatened us to DO it or we'll KILL you*
yea, the ASSes are something make me frustrated because i dont want to force my lil' brainey to think harder~ HA-HA! :D
and it really increases your heartbeat! in cases of being afraid that we'll run out the time and we havent finished yet, and that the results of our works: STINK! *and the latter is i usually experience more* -__-"
yea, just like this afternoon.. i have Charles Dickens' Hard Times as my reading list for Critical Analysis of Prose course.. it's kinda Victorian age novel which was written by Dickens firstly in 1800's and you can imagine how terrible the language were, many archaic words, symbolisms, and any other literature-things-i-never-understand-what-they-blabber-about.. *sigh*
(hey, i love reading! but this novel: what a bummer!)
moreover, im LAZY to open my dictionary and look up the words.. tee-hee! *terrible!*
and the result is: the lecturer knows that i should have left my brain somewhere, because i even cant tell her the content of the chapter i have to retell and ALL MY FRIENDS IN CLASS CAN..
*merasa sangat bodoh, when the lecturer asked me a first question:
"do you want to add some more your friend's answer?"
*before i started to open my mouth to say NO, she said again:
HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ even she had guessed that i couldnt answer her question!
*merasa bersedih dan berkecil hati* T^T
tapi seneng juga soalnya mixpod yang aku pasang works well! haha~ suka banget Love Song-nya! >.</
laziness is the worst enemy of students, it is MOST LOVED, however~
haha! yea, and i've been drunk on it.. *laziness, i mean.. +.+
being lazy is addictive! trust me~
im the victim! *a victim?! you yourself makes it love you* haha~
yea, im kinda lazy in, especially frequently, doing my ASSignments from my lecturers *although the lecturers has threatened us to DO it or we'll KILL you*
yea, the ASSes are something make me frustrated because i dont want to force my lil' brainey to think harder~ HA-HA! :D
and it really increases your heartbeat! in cases of being afraid that we'll run out the time and we havent finished yet, and that the results of our works: STINK! *and the latter is i usually experience more* -__-"
yea, just like this afternoon.. i have Charles Dickens' Hard Times as my reading list for Critical Analysis of Prose course.. it's kinda Victorian age novel which was written by Dickens firstly in 1800's and you can imagine how terrible the language were, many archaic words, symbolisms, and any other literature-things-i-never-understand-what-they-blabber-about.. *sigh*
(hey, i love reading! but this novel: what a bummer!)
moreover, im LAZY to open my dictionary and look up the words.. tee-hee! *terrible!*
and the result is: the lecturer knows that i should have left my brain somewhere, because i even cant tell her the content of the chapter i have to retell and ALL MY FRIENDS IN CLASS CAN..
*merasa sangat bodoh, when the lecturer asked me a first question:
"do you want to add some more your friend's answer?"
*before i started to open my mouth to say NO, she said again:
HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ even she had guessed that i couldnt answer her question!
*merasa bersedih dan berkecil hati* T^T
tapi seneng juga soalnya mixpod yang aku pasang works well! haha~ suka banget Love Song-nya! >.</
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN),
im a dork,
lagi stres
waaaaaaaaaaaa.. piala AFF nih!
hmmm, Garuda di Dadaku deh! haha~
piala AFF uy~
Indonesia VS Malaysia, di Gelora Bung Karno.. it's tonight! :D
tertarik sama artikel di link ini! :D
mampukah Tim Merah Putih mewujudkan keinginan Sang Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga di kandang sendiri?
nantikan jawabannya nanti malam!
nanti malam nantikan jawabannya!
*nggak jelas dot kom* (_ _")
piala AFF uy~
Indonesia VS Malaysia, di Gelora Bung Karno.. it's tonight! :D
tertarik sama artikel di link ini! :D
mampukah Tim Merah Putih mewujudkan keinginan Sang Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga di kandang sendiri?
nantikan jawabannya nanti malam!
nanti malam nantikan jawabannya!
*nggak jelas dot kom* (_ _")
trash can:
im a dork,
lagi stres
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
hard to say-the used
suddenly i want to post these lyrics.. :D
from In Love and Death album of The Used in 2004 *approximately when i was on junior high school, wooo~ it's been a very long time ago, hehe*
this Hard To Say lyrics are cool, i think.. and the music is not really 'disturbs' your ears.. tee-hee! *for those who do not really like 'hard beat' music of The Used and with the 'loud' voice of McCracken, this Hard To Say will be the best choice to listen to.. *and moreover if you are feeling blue! haha* :D
i love The Used in their 2006 album, frankly~
suddenly i want to post these lyrics.. :D
from In Love and Death album of The Used in 2004 *approximately when i was on junior high school, wooo~ it's been a very long time ago, hehe*
this Hard To Say lyrics are cool, i think.. and the music is not really 'disturbs' your ears.. tee-hee! *for those who do not really like 'hard beat' music of The Used and with the 'loud' voice of McCracken, this Hard To Say will be the best choice to listen to.. *and moreover if you are feeling blue! haha* :D
The singer finished singing and she's walking outonce i've tried to play my guitar on this song.. HA-HA! *and of course it was terrible*
The singer sheds a tear, her fear of falling out
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
My worries weigh the world, how I used to be
And everything, I'm cold, seems a plague in me
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
Worse than the fear it's the lie you told a thousand times before
Worse than a fear it's the knife
But it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried
It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, I'm not the same
It's hard to say (God, it's hard to say)
Since you've been gone,
I'm not the same
i love The Used in their 2006 album, frankly~
trash can:
i heart these lyrics
oh iya, tak bosan, lho!
tak bosan presiden bilang tanam sejuta pohon, sekarang semilyar
tak bosan kami menanam
tak bosan juga mereka lakukan pembalakan liar
tak bosan kalau banjir terus menancapkan layar
tak bosan presiden bilang berantas korupsi
tak bosan kami menahan diri
tak bosan juga mereka menggerogoti uang kami
tak bosan kalau peringkatnya semakin meninggi
tak bosan presiden bilang entaskan kemiskinan
tak bosan kami usaha dan kerja banting tulang
tak bosan juga mereka kau mewakili kami buat jalan-jalan
tak bosan kalau ini cuma menjadi sebatas 'entaskan'
tak bosan presiden bilang lindungi warga negara pemberi devisa, baca: TKI di luar negeri
tak bosan kami mengirim diri, demi dapat uang untuk anak, istri dan suami
tak bosan juga mereka hanya terus memberi janji, sebatas janji
tak bosan kalau penyiksaan terulang lagi, malah seringnya mati
tak bosan aku bilang begini
tak bosan juga dari semua yang presiden bilang kepada kami,
tak bosan kami anggap sebagai pencanangan satu program ter-HIT kini
yaitu: pengurangan jumlah populasi..
habisnya, dari semua yang di atas ujungnya mati..
tak bosan kami menanam
tak bosan juga mereka lakukan pembalakan liar
tak bosan kalau banjir terus menancapkan layar
tak bosan presiden bilang berantas korupsi
tak bosan kami menahan diri
tak bosan juga mereka menggerogoti uang kami
tak bosan kalau peringkatnya semakin meninggi
tak bosan presiden bilang entaskan kemiskinan
tak bosan kami usaha dan kerja banting tulang
tak bosan juga mereka kau mewakili kami buat jalan-jalan
tak bosan kalau ini cuma menjadi sebatas 'entaskan'
tak bosan presiden bilang lindungi warga negara pemberi devisa, baca: TKI di luar negeri
tak bosan kami mengirim diri, demi dapat uang untuk anak, istri dan suami
tak bosan juga mereka hanya terus memberi janji, sebatas janji
tak bosan kalau penyiksaan terulang lagi, malah seringnya mati
tak bosan aku bilang begini
tak bosan juga dari semua yang presiden bilang kepada kami,
tak bosan kami anggap sebagai pencanangan satu program ter-HIT kini
yaitu: pengurangan jumlah populasi..
habisnya, dari semua yang di atas ujungnya mati..
Monday, November 29, 2010
hehe~ sounds like a movie's title which is Julia Roberts involved in.. :D
and the shooting was in Bali.. *i havent watched the movie, dont ask how the story goes, kay?* :p
i did a conversation with a friend of mine since i was on Junior High School.. he is Feliks *and without The Cat, hehe*
we both know, we always do kinda nonsense chit-chat.. but we always enjoy it.. *or only me? and Fel doesnt? Fel, admit that you enjoy it also! haha* :D
many things we've talked about.. starting from his status on FB, blabbering about something unnecessary, el clasico *hell yeah!! it is tonight!*, and something inspiring for me.. it's about a 4-letter word with a massive effect to hear: H O P E..
yea, hope.. *haha! i wanna laugh if i remembered my answers for your question about this, Fel!*
actually, he quoted it also from a film he watched.. errr, i forgot the title! :D would you like to tell me again, Fel? haha! sorry, but blame my brainey~
yea, hope.. something that everyone owns, but it is easily forgotten very often..
admit it, fellas! i do either.. yea, when i feel I CANT DO THIS or THAT, I just CANT DO IT! when i think im in my weakest point, DESPERATION haunts me.. and i will lost in such desperation, forget one thing that i still HAVE 'HOPE'..
HOPE never leaves us blind and alone..
and the shooting was in Bali.. *i havent watched the movie, dont ask how the story goes, kay?* :p
i did a conversation with a friend of mine since i was on Junior High School.. he is Feliks *and without The Cat, hehe*
we both know, we always do kinda nonsense chit-chat.. but we always enjoy it.. *or only me? and Fel doesnt? Fel, admit that you enjoy it also! haha* :D
many things we've talked about.. starting from his status on FB, blabbering about something unnecessary, el clasico *hell yeah!! it is tonight!*, and something inspiring for me.. it's about a 4-letter word with a massive effect to hear: H O P E..
yea, hope.. *haha! i wanna laugh if i remembered my answers for your question about this, Fel!*
actually, he quoted it also from a film he watched.. errr, i forgot the title! :D would you like to tell me again, Fel? haha! sorry, but blame my brainey~
yea, hope.. something that everyone owns, but it is easily forgotten very often..
admit it, fellas! i do either.. yea, when i feel I CANT DO THIS or THAT, I just CANT DO IT! when i think im in my weakest point, DESPERATION haunts me.. and i will lost in such desperation, forget one thing that i still HAVE 'HOPE'..
HOPE never leaves us blind and alone..
afterall, whenever we feel powerless and weak, believe one thing that there is hope out there we can rely on..
pray and make efforts to make everything seems possible to reach although you are in the most impossible position..
thanks for Feliks A. Tiantoro as RJ 08 XVII.. keep your spirit burning, pal! lets do a chit-chat anymore.. haha! :)
trash can:
is this so??
things i want badly!
it's okay, right, to share kinda 'dreams' here? :D
it's okay, right, to share kinda 'dreams' here? :D
- I dont know, i just fall in love with guitar recently.. i mean, i have been in love with this cute musical instrument since... errrr, a year ago! HAHA! yea, it can be said that im a newbie with this damn cute musical instrument.. sometimes i feel stupid when i realize that IT IS TOO LATE TO START LEARNING THIS, silly! yea, i was 21 when i started to fall in love with guitars.. 21! can you imagine it? how old.. tee-hee! so, it's kinda "common thing happened" if i havent been able to play it well.. *membela diri* Sooooo, my first thing i want badly iiiiiisssss.. a professional electric guitar! *WTF?!!* +.+
- Next is a new handphone! hehe. actually, i REALLY LOVE my old handphone.. and it is really OLD! i mean it.. because i use N-GAGE.. HA-HA! you know, it's kinda the classic-unique-cute handphone.. yea, i love the style.. woo-hoo! TOO STYLISH~ and it WAS cool at the time when N-GAGE firstly launched in 2003.. *sigh!* and my only one reason to change this STYLISH-CUTE-CLASSIC-UNIQUE handphone is the battery! yea, the battery sucks.. *it's old, L! c'mon!* i have changed the batteries many times, of course! with the fake ones.. and it always ends up terribly terrible: to the rubbish bin! gosh~ hmm, i have no desire to change this cutie, actually.. if only there is a very generous person who wants to give me any new handphone.. *keep dreaming!* HA-HA!
- umm, what else? oh yea!! a good place for my academic training.. yea!! i'll spend my 72-days as "busy-hours" to be a part-timer due to my academic obligation to graduate ON TIME! hoho~ and i dont REALLY want to end up in a gloomy-horrible place for 72 days..you neither! :D broadcasting area attracts me recently.. working for a radio or local TV station may be a good choice.. and i DONT WANT TO be a teacher! oh, enough.. *LOL*
- i think i need a new brilliant brain! HA-HA! yea, i feel stuck with this old brainey~ huhu. or maybe i need a new faster processor?oh, c'mon, L! it's your 7th semester and your little brainey hasnt performed something FAB at all?! ah, lame.. throw your brainey to the bin!
- another thing i want badly is my academic seminar, of course! yea, i want to graduate soon.. huhu! and catch my friends up who are able to earn money by themselves.. waaa~ a great thing, uh? i mean, MONEY! $.$ tee-hee! yea, it's a great thing when you can afford things you want by your own money, right? there is a "pride" there.. so, please, my dearest lecturers, make my seminar goes smoothly-quickly.. *and i promise i will get the info about the schedule, first!* haha~ silly, if i remember the time i MISSED my seminar schedule and my lecturer had called my name and i WASNT there because i DIDNT KNOW the schedule.. (_ _")
- and the last thing i want badly is CONTINUE my study [abroad, if only i get God's divine to do]. hehe~ yea, continuing your degree abroad is something GROOVY, isnt it? i mean, it's cool and sophisticated and another WOOOOZZ thing to happen.. mmm, if i have to choose the country, i prefer USA.. :D but, Singapore isnt that bad at all.. or maybe my destiny leads my path to continue it in Bandung [again]? ah, let the destiny leads the right path of mine.. :D
- ummm, what else? AH! i've said the LAST in the previous point?? oh, okay~ i'll finish my wish lists, then! and this is the MOST LAST list:
AAMIIN! *Semoga Tuhan mengabulkan*
and how about yours? just make them! and always PLAY hard, oops sorry, i mean WORK hard to achieve them.. :)
trash can:
curcol (curhatCOLOKAN)
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