Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Harry Potter has to be responsible for this! HAHA!

yea, two days ago i watched Harry Potter 7 Part 1 with my friends.. a bit late, of course. but the crowd were still buzzing everywhere! we went to Ciwalk at 4 o'clock.. it was an accidentally-event, i mean yea we hadnt planned it before that we would watch HarPot because it was still in the most crowded time. moreover, i had a class at 3 o'clock..

but the fact SAID another magic word: i invited my friends to watch HarPot and missed the class! HAHA!! insane!! yea, i know, im insane.. :D because the class was about my 'live-or-die' stuff, i mean i've spent my day-offs for the class, once i miss the class again it means GAME OVER: i should take the class again next year.. *WOOHOO~ it's kinda nightmare for me! after getting there, we ordered the tickets for 5 persons and i should have paid it off: because i missed the class INTENTIONALLY, we got the-very-first-row-seats to sit on! *can you imagine it? sitting on the very-first-row-seats mean TORTURE your body and neck for the next 2-3 hours.. *sigh*

i've done it with so much fun, however.. :D

the film, surely, is GREAT! Ron is really cute there *he looks too fat for me, or is it just an illusion due to i sat in front of the screen?* and he is still SILLY like usual.. *just LOVE it* :)

we'd got home at 11 o'clock with very-hungry-stomach because we hadnt eaten rice yet! *Indonesians*
ah, taking photographs is a MUST! yea, say it with photos.. because photos are the best stuff ever to capture and freeze the time.. *and we are always happy to do it, tee-hee!*

kiki, me, and echie
haha! the photo was taken by a security who offered himself to help us taking the photo.. wow~ how nice! thanks2, mr. security.. ^^ *i dont know, i love Pahlawan Bertopeng in Shinchan's*

eh?? HAHA! just silly, girls~
echie and me (nice shot, Kiki! :D)
and the time went too fast.. haha!

*kena marah dosen yang aku bolosin kelasnya kemaren pas nonton HarPot, huhu*


  1. ati2 lhoo.. Teman sy bolos kelas ujung2nya kesasar di jalan..

  2. genduut itu lucuuuu... babies are examples hahahahaha...

  3. -----Salam Persahabatan Common Cyber %-.-%-----

    Oh my God,, I can't believe this...
    Mba L missed the class?

    Oh yea, I don't watch that movie yet...
    LOL. There isn't cinema in my city. LOL again.

    By the way, the pic no.2, which taken by security, look amazing,,,like 3 woman wizard...

  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    Harry Potter 7 movies...
    Belum nonton mba..
    Pengin nonton, denger2 bagus..
    Tp bingung juga:
    1. gak ada bisoskop yg update di sekitar saya, kalau di kota saya bioskopnya bangkrut, tutup.
    2. bioskop di kota tetangga gak pernah nyiarin film luar, dan cuma ada 1 ruang nonton.
    3. denger2 ada adegan kissingnya ya? jadi nambah mikir2...


    صَلَّى اللّهُ عَلَى مُحَمَّد - صَلَّى الله عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّم

  5. senengnya nonton harpot ma mba..:)
    kapan2 kita nobar lagi yah mba..:D

  6. ngomentari yang photo--->>kiki gitu loh,,hueheu..
    photographer handal..:D :P

  7. Oh, I know..I have to watch this potter soon...
    how bout er'maini??

    nice shoot!!

  8. @agus, haha!: kan itu kan temenmu.. kalo aku sih nggak dong.. palingan juga nggak tau jalan balik.. loh?! haha..

    @Nia: hehe! yep, sometimes it can be.. :p *RON!!!* heu.

    @Common_Cyber: hoho! yea, for the sake of education.. xD dimananyaaaaaaaaaa? heu..
    three musketeers, maybe.. :p thanks for the comment of the photo.. :)

    @Bumi: hueueheuehu.. HARUS NONTON!! harpot yang ini beda.. nggak ngebosenin.. iya sihh adegan kissing pasti ada.. tutup mata aja pas adegannya mulai.. hihi

    @Riski: hahahahhhaa!! yoooooooww~ ikut2 panggil Mba lagi.. (_ _")

    @skilef: hermione is cool! umm, i mean cute.. for sure! u'll be satisfied, lets wathc it.. hehe! but Ron is CUTER!! xD


Marilyn Manson 3